I'm almost sure I requested something like this before... but I can't find it, so I can't bump it. I was reminded of this while discussing orphaned strings in the language files and pondering the apparently once-intended additional mechanics that just didn't make it into the game.
What I mean by more modular research / construction mechanics is this:
I think it would be nice if it was possible to define a "construction" that produces
more than one thing and also
a thing that is defined internally instead of by the name of the construction project.
The main reason for this would be the possibility to define for example a construction project "UFO Power Source Deconstruction" that uses a UFO Power Source as a raw material and yields a few units of Elerium and a few units of Alien Alloys. Or a construction project "Extract Elerium-115 from Plasma Rifle Clip" which uses a Plasma Rifle Clip as a raw material and yields a unit of Elerium.
Another example? Maybe it would be possible to construct PSI-Amps from Elerium for a lot of money, taking a lot of time - or from
less Elerium and a
Mind Probe for a lot less money and faster - surely the Mind Probe circuitry can be re-used for the PSI-Amp
As for research, similar modularity would be nice:
if there were switches not only for enabling research, but also for disabling it (negative requirements, so to say), we could implement stuff like research bonuses (something like "as soon as you research ufo power source, all plasma weapon research becomes a lot easier").
or a mod that uses the research system to do magic spell research, you could implement mutually exclusive spell realms (for example: if you research life spells, you don't get to research death spells and vice versa)
it would also make sense to have certain research projects give you items upon completion of the research: if your eggheads research how to build a weapon, maybe they do that by constructing a working prototype?
so it would be nice to have the option that research projects
can give you other stuff, too. could even be money.