Author Topic: Russian Translation  (Read 75198 times)

Offline 32bits

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2014, 04:07:47 pm »
And why "Продложить сохраненную игру" and not shorter and more logical "Загрузить сохраненную игру"?
Or just "Загрузить игру"?

Offline redv

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2014, 05:26:42 pm »
Quote from: Volutar on August 08, 2012, 03:00:06 pm
And why "Продложить сохраненную игру" and not shorter and more logical "Загрузить сохраненную игру"?

AAAA!!! Necrotopic! ;-)

You can suggest your own translate:
Or vote for the best option.

Offline winterheart

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2014, 07:59:57 pm »
Someone please stop volutar on GetLocalization  :-\. Instead correct translation he sends total nonsense.
"1.5x" is "480x300"  :o, "1x" is "320x200", "Full Display" is "без увеличения" (without zoom) and so on. And he is not listen reasonable proposals, he think he always right. Now he just suggest me "shut up" and leave translation team...


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2014, 09:11:17 pm »
winterheart, давай еще тут начни со своими "небесными".

What reasonable proposals are you talking about? All you did is just got lots of "bots" who voted for your beloved "skymen".
Ethereal is officially translated as "Эфириал". "Skyman"/"Celestial" was taken from one of the ugliest translation of dos version.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 09:32:48 pm by volutar »

Offline Tarvis

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2014, 09:13:52 pm »
Someone please stop volutar on GetLocalization  :-\. Instead correct translation he sends total nonsense.
"1.5x" is "480x300"  :o, "1x" is "320x200", "Full Display" is "без увеличения" (without zoom) and so on. And he is not listen reasonable proposals, he think he always right. Now he just suggest me "shut up" and leave translation team...
It's part of an ongoing debate here.

I suggest holding off on this until SupSuper or Warboy can come to a final decision on how scaling should be presented.

Offline winterheart

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2014, 09:36:22 pm »
winterheart, давай еще тут начни со своими "небесными".

What reasonable proposals are you talking about? All you did is just got lots of "bots" who voted for your beloved "skymen".
Ethereal is officially translated as "Эфириал". "Skyman" was taken from one of the ugliest translation of dos version.

Again I told you, I don't made any action to upvote my "Небесный" or downvote your "Эфириал". GL system based on voting system (and I already regretting about it). Your "Эфириал" not have required amount of votes. If you think that I have army of voting bots, ask SupSuper for stats, these should be available to him.

I don't mind against "Эфириал", but your approach and style of conversation makes everyone hostile to any your action.
And your pushing about screen terms (whole thread of users arguing with you) don't give you rights to translate strings to your own inaccurate ones just because you don't like meaning of original strings.

Edit: And your words in GL "OpenXcom is my work, which you trying to spoil here" (OpenXcom - мое детище, которое ты тут пытаешься загадить) is very unpleasant to me, it's not yours, it's not even mine, it's OURS, I spent my time to project as you, I love OXC and trying make it better with others in constructive and collaborative manner.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 09:57:08 pm by winterheart »


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2014, 10:52:12 pm »
Edit: And your words in GL "OpenXcom is my work, which you trying to spoil here" (OpenXcom - мое детище, которое ты тут пытаешься загадить) is very unpleasant to me, it's not yours, it's not even mine, it's OURS, I spent my time to project as you, I love OXC and trying make it better with others in constructive and collaborative manner.
Excuse me for my manner, that might be unpleasant, but that's the truth: I've done for OpenXcom much more than you. Granted that doesn't give me right to offend. And I really tried not to. But.

Returning to our translations - SupSuper uploaded russian.lng file to GL just when project moved there. And he's indicatad as translation author. Considering the fact, that this russian.lng with "Небесный" was initially uploaded by YOU, an awkward situation arisen -  you are the only one who having a chance to vote for your own translation, which is initially unfair, because noone else can vote for his own translations. This initial issue is a cheat. That's the cause of my attitude towards you.

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2014, 11:11:53 pm »
From what I saw with the French language (most strings having only one translation, submitted by "SupSuper"), it's the opposite : The original string has the weakest weight, any counter-proposal gets immediate priority over it, even if there's no 3rd person to "break the tie".

Offline winterheart

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2014, 11:17:30 pm »
Pfff. You still think that we all owe on you. Here no measurement who done more or less. Say it to leads, to bugfixers, to translators, to porters, to modders, to letsplayers, to casual users who occasionally bought classic XCOM on Steam or GOG. Your contribution in project is not privilege that give you power or authority to order what to do or what to not. Your contribution is respect that you earns from community. Without respect to community you will become outcast.

Back to GL. Listen. Translation came from DOS version. I adapted it to OpenXcom and maintained it until it go to GL. During initial uploading all strings moved to SupSuper. Me neither not have ability to downvote my own translation that already assigned to SupSuper. Only what I can do - give new suggestion (that will be assigned to me in this time) and hope that someone upvote it with me.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 11:28:05 pm by winterheart »


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2014, 11:29:54 pm »
During initial uploading all strings moved to SupSuper. Me neither not have ability to downvote my own translation that already assigned to SupSuper.
There's no such thing in GL as "DownVote", But you've upvoted yours! And CAN re-vote another. Come on. You perfectly aware that because Supsuper uploaded your translation instead of you, you was able to vote for your own translation, which normally is not allowed.

Here no measurement who done more or less.
Yeah yeah... Favourite phrase of those who done less.
Measurement is counted quite easily: how project would look like, if one didn't make his contributions at all. But I know, looking with that angle is not polite. It's not enough hypocritical ;).
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 11:43:33 pm by volutar »

Offline winterheart

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2014, 11:54:50 pm »
I can't argue with him any more... OK, I'll just continue upvote my "own" translation. Just because I CAN (sarcasm sign).
I helped to port OpenXcom to Linux, I translated all of game (sarcasm sign again), I fixed some bugs. My value to Linux community is bigger (gee, he said "bigger"!) than your, so just stop ranting and go back to work.


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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2014, 12:15:12 am »
Your value to linux community is bigger? Alright, but it's not linux community, it's openxcom community. I saw your PRs - they was 100% about russian translation and linux makefiles. Didn't see any bugs fixed.
And you just said you didn't do russian translation - you just taken it from one of custom DOS versions. You should be more consistent.
Sure you can meanly vote for your own translations, and what kind of appreciation are you expecting after that?;)

Offline SupSuper

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2014, 03:07:20 am »
Volutar, Volutar, Volutar... why is it the minute you're back on the forums, my blood pressure has already tripled? You've only been back for a week and already three threads have gone to hell.

Let me make something perfectly clear. Nothing, and I mean nothing, gives you the right to have this extremely aggressive and self-centered attitude towards the community. If you think the "value" of your contributions gives you the power to lord over everyone and make OpenXcom "yours", well you are more than free to take it elsewhere and do with it as you please. Every contribution makes the project a little better and is deeply appreciated, however your demeanor heavily outweighs your contributions. Everyone here voluntarily contributes to the project expecting nothing in return, and everyone is on the same level. There are no "rights" or "wrongs", only "opinions". So you either learn how to give criticism and be respectful of everyone's opinions, or you can leave the forum. Trust me, it's not everyone else, it's you.

Regarding GetLocalization, even as an admin, I have no control over the voting system, though I have requested extra information from the GL staff. AFAIK, every registered member can vote on one translation per string, and that's it. You can click the vote buttons as many times as you want, but only the last click counts. I've asked the GL staff to make "my" imported translations low priority before, so translators don't have to fight me for it.
I would hope all this would be enough for translators to decide what is the most appropriate translation for every string. I certainly can't, I'm not fluent in 20 languages. However if this isn't enough, and people are cheating the system or using it as a soapbox for what they think each feature should actually be, my only option is to delete the translation and you can start over. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

Offline Egeni

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2014, 06:48:45 pm »
Hello! Sorry for posting in old topic.

I try translate some weapon mods on russian, but i have problem with unicode. For example, i take translated by another person ruleset and see:

STR_SHOTGUN_UFOPEDIA: Стандартный тактический дробовик. Использует дробовые патроны 12 калибра, нанося большие повреждения слабозащищенным целям на близких дистанциях. Однако низкая проникающая способность и высокий разброс дроби ограничивает эффективность оружия против бронированных или удаленных целей.

"STR_SHOTGUN_UFOPEDIA:" it plain text, but next words is unicode symbols saved as plain text (a few byte for symbol, i guess).

Now let's see on my translation:

STR_MACHINE_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Эта модель пистолета-пулемета специально разработана для ведения огня с одной руки. Такое обращение уменьшает точность стрельбы, но недостатки компенсируются наличием автоматического огня и увеличенной обоймой.

How i can save my translated ruleset in two codes, like upper example? Of course, i can save ALL ruleset's text in unicode, but it's not good idea, i thing.

By the way, можно ли в этой теме писать по-русски?

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Re: Russian Translation
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2014, 07:05:22 pm »
Да, always save any ruleset files in Unicode (UTF), because this encoding supports all symbols from most languages (e.g. Russian, Chinese, Thai, Arabic...).