...like the already mentioned 'open doors per right-click' or a second generation motion-sensor grenade,
are things you'll miss, sooner or later.
There are a number of Mods for UFO1 to look at for inspiration, such as the ET-Mod
(contains the mentioned second-gen motion grenade) or XCOMUtil
(contains tanks that are actually tanks - they can take several medium to hard hits and go on, similar to the cyberdisc, while ignoring light weapons.
Also makes improvements to several weapons that you would NEVER use in play otherwise, and the alternate starting base).
Psi-Screening of soldiers should happen as soon as you have psi-labs...to wait TWO MONTHS for the psi-values to be readable
is simply idiotic. 1-2 weeks, maximum.
Another idea: dual-wielding pistols. see Jagged Alliance 2. Not good for long distances, but ideal for shooting in
close quarters, as the aiming-time is faster than with an autofire-capable rifle - you get 2 shots instead of three.
Please keep the feature, that you can prime a grenade, then keep it in hand without starting the timer until it has left
the soldiers hand.
Pocket UFO is another source of useful ideas (save a soldiers equipment-loadout, look at soldiers stats from equip-screen, mean AI, some new graphics), but it is full of bugs.

That's all I can think of right now.