
Author Topic: savegames and options.cfg  (Read 4382 times)

Offline tyran_nick

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savegames and options.cfg
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:16:03 pm »
I have noticed that after the introduction of the new yaml both options.cfg and savegames get rather messy. By messy I mean that they no longer have the nice order they used to have. For instance if you go in a savegame the order of the fields is everytime different, sometimes making it rather difficult to understand whats going on in there.
Has anybody else some experience with the same issue?

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Re: savegames and options.cfg
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 06:17:35 pm »
It's an implementation thing. YAML doesn't guarantee any order. yaml-cpp 0.3 used ordered maps, which happened to be consistently ordered (alphabetically). yaml-cpp 0.5 uses unordered maps, which are more efficient but don't have any particular order so seem to come out at random.

Neither of these is sorted "sensibly" really, yaml-cpp 0.3 just happened to be consistent, but there's not much we can do unless you wanna write some utilities to ignore the issue altogether.

Offline tyran_nick

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Re: savegames and options.cfg
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2013, 10:56:44 pm »
Thanks, that's helpful.
Now I understand what is going on with those files