Interesting I read on the internet Ufopedia, that infiltration missions succeed the minute the Battleship entered the atmosphere... :\
Have you read my first post in the topic? This is exactly what I said. I did not specify I was talking about the vanilla version of the game, because I thought OpenXcom would have kept this behavior, perhaps that made my post somewhat unclear.
As I already said, I strongly believe this is not a bug, but this is done to ensure player will lose over time, he cannot continuously repel aliens and play an infinite game. This makes sense, even thought I believe this is illogical.
This is why I suggest there is at least a single option to define how infiltration missions succeed.
- one value of this option could mean "like in the vanilla game", unstoppable. This should be the default value for this option.
- another value could say "destroy/crash/prevent from taking off the last battleship and the infiltration fails". Other ships could be considered as decoys.
- another value could say "if any large infiltrating ufo succeeds, infiltration succeeds."
- perhaps other simple possibilities.
This should be in the base openXCom.
I believe other more complicated way to determine if alien infiltration succeed should only be implemented in a custom mod.