To double the resolution is no problem, as long as i´ll get the files that must be updated
in a format that i can load (like the original bitmap, a tiff or PSD would also work).
At "UFO: The Two Sides", the devs used a open file structure, where you just could find and
open / replace the graphics files. Thats why i could just open and mod them.
Here is an example of the "Mars" graphics where i doubled the resolution two days ago,
and the "basebits" bitmap, where i had to add a CGI firestorm, cause the UFO:TTS team
finished work on the file before the firestorm was added.
This CGI firestorm is based upon the image from the ufopedia from the original 1994 UFO,
that i found with google. So this one is not based on the old 1994 image (cause i don´t
have the original top view).
At UFO:TTS, they also had a high resolution geo image to replace the original rendered
earth from the 1994 edition. I hope the OpenXcom team does the same, cause it looked
really good. I could help them getting the image ready for the game, so thats not the problem.
cu, Astro