I did actually!
hm, not sure what to say ... i never 'trusted' changing fontsize globally and am 'scared' to even try it (for myself). I mean, .net gives the programmer all sorts of control over the layout of his/her app, but then respects an OS setting that essentially says "Here, put this 15" tire on a fiat rim ..."
i mean, I see the user-side of the argument: monitor resolutions are getting huge these days (im running 1920x1080 and fortunately i like small fonts - but im also farsighted and have to wear reading glasses)
so ... How much space should a programmer allocate among controls to account for an arbitrary change of the fontsize in a label? Why doesn't .net TreeView handle the OS change better than that? If I change font-scaling on my OS and open some apps, are the locations and sizes of the apps going to change in the Registry?
and a change like that has the potential to crash the OS, which can be an absolute nightmare (been there)
... just some rhetorical questions, i guess. I'd have to take the deep dive and be prepared to bite the snake before venturing into that particular jungle, if you know what i mean
Anyway, backcolor and forecolor changes should be easier,