I found a sound FX bug. When I deployed into a terror-site, a few minutes into the battle, I heard UFO doors opening from a distance during aliens turn. Made me jump at first, because I haven't played in a long time and I thought OXC implemented landed UFOs into Terror sites.
I should have tried opening/closing a door myself to make sure, but I didn't think of that until now. It was a night mission though. As soon as I got 3 of my men out, the fight started, so I was focused.
This mod is great! The music changes everything, thanks 2K Games, at least the music was good
I noticed lots of sound changes for the better, and a few I can barely notice the difference or am I imagining things? Would you be able to list what sounds you changed in the game? These come from the CAT files, right? Why do they make it so hard
OXC should make it as easy as changing the music
I'm also sorry to necro bump this. I thought it would be fine since it's a finished mod that may need an update, if xover88 is around.