1. How do i know which craft weapons are any good, and does it even matter ? I meah the machine guns you put on small helicopters, LMG, MG, BOMG, etc. Do their stats matter at all ? Or just slap any random 4 MGs on that heli and dont bother thinking too hard about it ?
2. MG descriptions say they "strip armour"...is that a joke or am i misunderstanding how armour works ? What can damage 25 and 5% pre-damage do against a minitank ? Is there a way to just repeatedly shoot an enemy with minigun for 0 damage to lower their armour ?
3. Speaking of minitanks and armoured cars...what can i even do against them ? Light cannons give 0 damage. Grenade launchers and Milkors give 0 damage. Miniguns - 0 damage. EMPs ? Minitanks take 40% damage from EMP, meaning it would take at least 3 EMP grenades per minitank, and that doesnt help with armoured cars at all. High explosives (that i have a very limited amount now with no way to get more of) ? My only Gauss pistol with a single clip that doesnt even have a reduce armour stat ?
Granted, i killed some vampire knights the other day with some sniper fire, but they are melee and there were civilian distractions as well, it took quite a while.
4. Speaking or armour, early on you get Bio-Exo suit...what is it for, exactly ?
5. Speaking of dubious items, does the knockout grenade -slash- gas grenade do anything special ? Or is it just as it appears - a small patch of concentrated smoke that enemies leave immediately with no ill effect ? Or, for instance, smart shotgun, a very late 2-shot low-damage 3-range little thing...i dont see the niche for it, over say, BO SMG.
6. Speaking of knockout, i got some dart muskets here, am i correct that bio damage has to get through armour first to do anything, but electric damage ignores armour completely ? So to capture armoured targets bio darts are useless ? And what is the point of poison darts, exactly ?
7. What is the name of that mod that puts weapon tags in the main description, like "concealable", "sporting gear", etc ? I've seen that in youtube videos, but cant seem to find it on the mods list page.
8. Are dogs the only real way to spot stealth units ? Is there anything else i can do ? Like, peppering the terrain with fire or proximity mines...err...
9. Will there later be a better\faster way to increase the usefulness of AI drones ? Because in my opinion you dont have enough time really to raise it's accuracy the hard way before the invasion starts. Outrunner armor is a complete liability in harder, more enemy-rich missions, so you can only take it on very occasional easy walks, and i'm finding myself almost at invasion with AI barely over 60 accuracy.
Thank you.