
Author Topic: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?  (Read 637 times)

Offline Stormtrooper

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Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« on: January 31, 2025, 06:01:47 pm »
Hi, I've just discovered realistic accuracy thing and it seems it's everything I want, but sadly it seems to be a part of brutal ai fork. The problem is, I play xcom files and I want nothing beyond "vanilla" xcom files and realistic accuracy. I know brutal ai is configurable and stuff, but nevertheless it's a different fork and I found some discussions about subtle yet impactful changes etc, so my question is: Is there a simple way to achieve what I want? If not, could realistic accuracy be extracted into a separate mod that can be installed alongside "regular" oxce?

Offline Xilmi

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2025, 09:29:24 pm »
Hi, I've just discovered realistic accuracy thing and it seems it's everything I want, but sadly it seems to be a part of brutal ai fork. The problem is, I play xcom files and I want nothing beyond "vanilla" xcom files and realistic accuracy. I know brutal ai is configurable and stuff, but nevertheless it's a different fork and I found some discussions about subtle yet impactful changes etc, so my question is: Is there a simple way to achieve what I want? If not, could realistic accuracy be extracted into a separate mod that can be installed alongside "regular" oxce?
I'd like to know about the sutle yet impactful changes you saw discussions about.

I can try to list all of the ones I remember that do not have a separate option and then ask which ones you think are problematic.

1. Aggressive Retaliation => Changed how aliens search for X-Com Bases to prevent exploit of hiding bases in unreachable positions, retaliations also triggered by successful ground-missions.
2. Equipment-logic => When you don't manually equip your gear soldiers will try to autoequip a little smarter: Heavier weapons are more likely to be matched with stronger soldiers, it tries to fill up soldiers in a round-robin way so everyone has something of a kind of item before someone gets two, if enough items are there soldiers are filled to capacity.
3. Production queue => You can queue items for production and as long as you don't actually assign engineers it doesn't take up space. I think this was also included in regular OXCE since.

Other than that I'm not really aware of anything that needs to be specifically enabled in order to have any impact.

Offline Stormtrooper

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2025, 01:04:20 pm »
All the things you mentioned I don't care about, because 2 and 3 are only some gui stuff and I don't play with aggressive retaliation, but I'm just confused in general when it comes to available options. Lots of them I can simply turn off if I'm here only for realistic accuracy and nothing else, but then there are some I have no idea how to configure to preserve the original x-files enemy behaviour.

For example (I'll talk about options I found here:, "targeting behaviour for Brutal AI" - x-files has the sniper-spotter mechanic, so I guess choosing option 1 (vanilla behaviour) is out of question because it allows enemies to only fire at what they personally can see, same for option 2 (because sniper-spotter allows enemies to fire even without seeing anything I believe), so I guess the closest one is 3, but I'm not sure if it's exactly as in x-files. Note I'm not seeking to increase the difficulty further, I just want to be able to fire at what I can see and to see bullets travelling at realistic trajectories. Another things are "aggressivenes-" and "intelligence-mode" as well as "sneaky ai". No clue how they relate to x-files behaviour.

Another thing I noticed is that while "brutal ai" option can't be toggled, the description mentions being able to set it to false via config file. So maybe that's what I should do to get the results I want, turn brutal ai off via units.rul editing and leave realistic accuracy on? But I prefer to ask simply because AI-related changes aren't something I'll be able to instantly spot to tell whether it worked out or not.

Edit: I noticed there are also things like "ai bug hunt", allow explosives on turn one and so on, I really feel lost with what should I set to what and would be thankful for some insights.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 01:08:09 pm by Stormtrooper »

Offline Xilmi

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2025, 03:45:27 pm »
Okay, I see, it's mostly because it's poorly communicated how it works.

First you go to "Mods" and disable the Mod called "Brutal AI".
This allows you to also disable "Brutal AI" in the Adcanced options for BOXCE. (turns it from purple and locked to yellow and togglable)

Once "Brutal AI" is disabled none of the other options there have any impact on the vanilla AI's behavior. They all only apply for "Brutal AI" when it is enabled!
« Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 03:50:10 pm by Xilmi »

Offline Stormtrooper

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2025, 09:39:18 pm »
Ah I see, thanks a lot, downloaded it and it works like a charm, x-files run correctly, realistic accuracy is taking its toll, brutal ai is off and on top of that noticed saving and loading the game runs faster than in oxce! Also love the removal of timer setup in grenade priming, combined with instant grenade explosions at last throwing grenades looks like proper act of throwing grenades, not C4 planting.

I guess the problem simply boils down to having two options essentially mean the same thing and the screenshot where brutal ai is forced on doesn't help either. Since the fork is called brutal ai in the first place, I think it would help to simply have the brutal ai mod removed and leave only the config option always toggable.

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2025, 10:04:53 pm »
saving and loading the game runs faster than in oxce!

Fast saving and loading is OXCE 8.0 feature. BOXCE 9.2.2 and higher uses OXCE 8.0 as base.

Offline Stormtrooper

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2025, 03:50:43 am »
Well, what can I tell? As soon as I switched to brutal ai version saving and loading became faster. Not gonna complain about that... ::)

Offline jnarical

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Re: Realistic accuracy without brutal AI?
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2025, 01:27:20 pm »
Well, what can I tell? As soon as I switched to brutal ai version saving and loading became faster. Not gonna complain about that... ::)
Could you report ANY accuracy-related inconveniences? Most players most of the time just ignore bugs (until they're game-breaking), there's not enough feedback. Better create an issue at "Realistic Accuracy" github but I wouldn't mind any other ways to get it