Author Topic: Modding the Psi-Amp  (Read 6858 times)

Offline Shadow

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Modding the Psi-Amp
« on: October 07, 2013, 08:19:48 pm »
Hey, guys, long-time X-COM veteran here! ;D

In an effort to perhaps balance psionics a bit, I'm looking into ways to modify the Psi-Amp some, and I've come up with a couple of ideas based on what I read on the wiki.

1) A maxRange variable is mentioned in the documentation, but I've found no instances of it in the actual ruleset. If it actually works, maybe imposing a range limit of 15-20 squares would be a good idea.
2) I figure there's probably some way to make the Psi-Amp a direct line-of-sight weapon, and might be related to its battleType definition, but I'm not sure. Would appreciate some insight into this matter.

While combining both ideas may diminish the item's effectiveness too much, I suppose that used individually at least, the changes should produce interesting results.

Offline Svanh

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Re: Modding the Psi-Amp
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2013, 01:02:09 am »
maxRange doesn't appear to do anything for the psi-amp unfortunately. The reason you haven't found any maxRange instances in the ruleset is because vanilla weapons all had infinite range. Adding it to a weapon just requires you to add the line "maxRange: x" to a weapon, making sure all indenting is correct.

I don't think you'll have much luck with battleType. Given that the psi-amp has the same battletype as the electroflare and there doesn't appear to be a way to transfer the psi-amp's psionic attacks to another item a battleType change would probably just give you a psi-amp that also shoots.

Altering enemy psionic strength is probably the easiest way to nerf the psi-amp. I'd suggest adding about 20-30 to Mutons and 60-70 to Ethereals with the other races between those.

That, or set caps on soldier stats so that psionic strength can't exceed 80/skill can't exceed 50 etc.

It really depends how hard you want to make it for yourself.

Offline Istrebitel

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Re: Modding the Psi-Amp
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2013, 04:11:01 pm »
Psi is a breaker of the game really, because after you get Psi-Amps, if you use them offensively, it's GG for aliens, battles become just cakewalk! Even if you only use panic!
Therefore, I think an option (in style of other options like limited alien containment) is in order.

Also, PSI cannot be really fixed via mods, because the core game mechanic needs changing. Adding strength to aliens will just make them more powerful at their attacks (unless you compensate by lowering skill) and throw off players who don't use offensive psi but just level it up (via panic) to get enough defense (110 to be exact) to be immune to offensive mind control from any foe. Taking strength or skill from soldiers will do the same - in the end, will just create mind-numbing micromanagement of dropping weapons on the floor for alien turn and picking them back on your turn. Even if range requirement would work, unless it would be ridiculously short (like, 5 tiles), you would still be able to MC units by utilising walls (or standing above them in a different level spearated by floor).

IMHO, the way to fix PSI is this:
* Require line-of-sight for a PSI attack
* Successful Mind Control spends remaining TU of the soldier who did it

It can be two different switches in the advanced options menu.

For an advanced difficulty, the following can be done:
* Every PSI attack spends PSI-skill (or PSI-strength) of the soldier for the remainder of the mission (the way accuracy is spent when arm is hit, for example), meaning as the soldier uses PSI offensively, he becomes more vulnerable himself and is limited in amount of attacks he can execute during the whole battlescape mission. This can either trigger off successful attacks or off all attacks.

Offline Shadow

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Re: Modding the Psi-Amp
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2013, 05:01:34 pm »
I guess the only way to tone things down across the board through present modding would be to lower both alien and human psi stats (especially caps for the latter). That'd mean it's not such a pain in the ass for the player, and at the same time X-COM can't abuse it to the point it becomes overpowered.

Offline clownagent

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Re: Modding the Psi-Amp
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2013, 04:38:55 am »
In my current ruleset, I just increase the TU use of the psi-Amp to 60%, which allows for only one Psi-Attack per turn. This seem to be a little more fair.

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_PSI_AMP
    tuUse: 60
    flatRate: false

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: Modding the Psi-Amp
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2013, 01:40:39 pm »
you'll probably want to apply that to the "special alien psi weapon, do not delete" in the ruleset (the very last "item" listed) as well

Offline AndyFox

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Re: Modding the Psi-Amp
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2025, 08:54:20 pm »
There was once such a Psi plus mod, maybe someone still has it?

Update: already found!
« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 09:10:17 pm by AndyFox »