I had the idea of a thread for sharing some of the more, less and more or less legitimate tricks we may have picked up for making life easier or more interesting. Whether that be special tactics, underrated items or cheeky exploits.
CQC Cheese
The nature of a turn based game means planning not just for your turn, but the enemies. You know that, when you click that end turn button, every enemy unit is going to get a chance to put one of your precious girls in the sickbay (or the morgue!). So what do you do? Kill them first? Sometimes you can't or don't want to. So what can you do? Park a gal in melee range of course. When it comes time to take the turn, the AI will usually try to shoot and most often send those rounds uselessly into the sky.
Trying to chase down and stun enemies with your last few TU's? Pay close attention to how those enemies are armed. If an AI unit has a gun and a melee weapon, the AI will prioritize shooting on its own turn, but melee holds priority when it comes to reactions. So if you run up on a guy armed with a gun and a knife, taking a swing at him can lead to him reacting and stabbing you back, especially if you're low on TUs. If you instead end the turn in melee range, he is *much* more likely to try shooting and whiff.
Training Cheese
If you're anything like me, one of the best things about this game is watching numbers go up training your swabbies up from zero to hero. But swabbies need to actually contribute before they can gain XP, and sometimes their stats are so low that getting those contributions is hard and risky. Don't worry about it, your more experience gals can help. Downed enemies count as valid targets, so if your gals manage to knock one out, you can let your swabbies stand on the body and aim straight down. Even the smoothest brained gals cannot miss. Using non-lethal shooters like bows with stun arrows, shotguns with rubber slugs or harpoon darts ensures this doesn't cost you hostages, but some enemies are pretty useless. I like to use holdout pistols for this, because they have a tendency of leaving targets alive but wounded so I can practice first aid for bravery training. Whips work for training throwing like this and hammers for melee (though hammers are depressingly non-non-lethal). For best results, combine with sailor uniforms.
The first few missions, XP is at a premium, especially at lower difficulties where you may not have enough enemies to go around. Plus you really want those first few enemies alive to help your cash flow and you lack a lot of good stun weapons. The solution is nudity! Sending your gals into battle naked gives them a huge reactions boost. One thing I've noticed with regard to training is that, if an enemy makes a move which would provoke a reaction from multiple gals, but gets knocked out by the first one to resolve, the rest of the gals still get experience for making the reaction check, even if they never swung. This is most noticeable on the first few missions, where I tend to naked dogpile isolated nurses and then end turn, letting them make the first move and then get gang-land stomped by naked amazons (in self defense of course). Even if the first gal to take a swing knocks her out, everyone still gets those secondary stat gains at the end of the mission. Reactions is a component of accuracy for unarmed attacks, so going naked makes you a better fighter. Guess the Greeks were onto something. Just pay attention to climate, because nudity and arctic conditions does not make for happy gals.
Prison space and how runts can help
With the game very focused on taking prisoners and what you can do with those prisoners, prison space is at a real premium. I tend to have two at my starter base and still end up running out of room more often than not. I want to hold onto them for research or slavery instead of ransoming them for useless money! Well, the workshop can help. See, whenever you start a work bill, the first batch of materials is consumed. On some bills, they let you refund your materials back if you change your mind. And people are materials. So once you've researched an enemy once, you can set up a bill to rob them, and they'll disappear from your prison. Refund it and they reappear. Where were they in the meantime? Doesn't matter! You can send one of each researched enemy type to limbo this way for each recipe they appear in. Set up a bill to rob them and never complete it, that's effectively one extra prison space per unit type. Ditto enslaving, recruiting, pit fighting or any other workshop bill that takes a live target. Just be sure it's refundable or you're deleting prisoners. If I can rob, enslave, recruit or work a unit type? That means I can store an extra four of them in workshop limbo any time I need to free up prison space. and this is repeatable for every base.
But wait, that doesn't help me if I just ended a mission and my prison is full! I *have* to ransom them or it doesn't let me out of the end mission screen! I hope you aren't playing on ironman, because this is solvable with the art of taksie backsies. See, the game autosaves as soon as you click OK on the end mission screen. But this happens *before* it demands you clean out your prisons. So, sure, ransom whatever prisoners you need to in order to get back to the geoscape, then hit ESC and load your geoscape autosave. This leaves you free to interact with the geoscape, but if you were to check your prison, you'd see it was over capacity (don't do this, the game won't let you back out of prison until you ransom enough prisoners). This only lasts a few seconds, as the game will figure out you're over cap and bring it to your attention, but it's enough time for you to start work bills or go to another base to clear out prison space to ship them to.
Zero-G Tactics
If you're anything like me, early game 0-G can be punishing. Combine a small crew size with big open maps, limited armor selection and objectively quite deadly enemies, and it can be difficult to complete these without intensive save scumming, making "bouncing" the mission quite attractive. My advice? Dive for the deck. Turn one, step out of your craft and hit the descend level button just as many times as you can. The deep Z-levels of 0-G maps mean those pesky terminators have a hard time finding an angle on you. Approach low, rise up underneath the bottom of the satellite, making sure to check those annoying little tea cup structures the same way. If you're not confident on one-shotting the reaction-happy robbits, and you're wary of their deadly melee attack, parking your happy ass in CQC range and letting them waste their plasma skyward will net you a next turn where they don't have the TU's to return fire.