Author Topic: help with the " Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete "  (Read 819 times)

Offline Rangerh

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help with the " Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete "
« on: November 15, 2024, 12:08:12 am »
Working on Rosigma, i would like to get rid of the following lonely entries in our .log as i don't like the look of the doomsday clock :D
Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete (to removed after year 2025) operation Missing main node at line 1388

scratching my head about it, i googled around and found only this that seemed relevant :

Easiest way to search for them is probably searching for string "- &", but check by eye too, maybe there are false positives.

Apparently we have a bit more than 330 of those  " - & " in 83 files in Rosigma, but i have no idea which one is wrong and trigger that .log entry

knowing the "Line 1388" from which file exactly amongst those 83 files would sure be helpful but the log does not give a hint to me.
A lot of Rosigma files are long enough to have a line 1388 , but after spending time to try to check every line 1388 of the .rul files that climbed up to there i didn't noticed something that looked "wrong"

So i'm rather puzzled, and it seems none of the Rosigma dev team know either.
Any help ?

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: help with the " Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete "
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2024, 12:34:21 am »
Yes, basically those nodes should be updated to use the 'ignore' node type rather than not having one defined. It's a change that can be done now and will work with the latest release (and some previous ones). If not, after a future update up to the devs, those 'bad' nodes will cause an error rather than a warning suppressed error. Since this is usually tied with OXCE yaml anchor copy pasting, searching for any of the & tags can help locate them, however, not all '&' will be bad, just those without a the typical "type" node or one of the extended ones (including "ignore")

This regular expression has worked for me to pinpoint 'bad' nodes in VSC. It covers the common node names but none of the extended ones. This merely means that some false positives might occur if the mod uses any of the extended nodes.
Code: [Select]
(- &.*\n)((?!type|name|id).)*$
Edit 2:
Tested it with Rosigma, but the only 2 flags aren't related to that line number.
The 1st one points to armors_IG line 2618: This one I'm not sure about since there is a 'type' node, just 3 lines down from it.
The 2nd one points to armors_PRIMARIS line 109: Again, 'type' is used, this time 4 lines down.

Now I'm really curious how that line that is triggering the suppressed error is defined.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2024, 02:19:33 am by CrazedHarpooner »

Offline CrazedHarpooner

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Re: help with the " Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete "
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2024, 03:57:41 am »
Ok, had to turn verbose logging on to find it. It's not line 1388, but 1380 on my end, the very last item at the end of the eldar.rul file, you have a 'type' node definition for AUX_ELDAR_KIT but it's under the 'soldierTransformation' ruleset which uses 'name' node definitions. This is causing a false flag with the 'supressed error' but still something you probably want to fix either way.

Offline Rangerh

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Re: help with the " Supressed Error for 'Mod': Obsolete "
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2024, 12:09:13 pm »
Thank you very much for your help, i would have never found that by myself.
Someone must have added that item without noticing he was under the soldiertransformation, the pain of copy pasting
« Last Edit: November 15, 2024, 12:20:58 pm by Rangerh »