I am talking about L pistol. You can check that during "new battle". No damage dropoff. "New battle" btw is also bugged. I am supposed to have infinite equipment there, not one each. (The only ammo for L pistol is hiding inside M heavy laser.)
Aah, yes, I see it now and found the cause, the Pistol L doesn't have power defined and takes it from the clip instead. Looks like these dropoff values don't apply when defined on the weapon and not on the clip in this case. Since the clip is shared by multiple laser weapons it is likely undesired to define such dropoff there. I got it working by using the carbine L (the 'other' Pistol L) ruleset as an example and added this to the basic Pistol L ruleset:
ignoreAmmoPower: true
power: 20
and the dropoff works as expected.
While doing this I also noticed a bunch of problems reported by VSC in the items ruleset, many instances of
damageAlter are defined with a period separator as in
damageAlter.FireThreshold: 999, but the ruleset validator says "No". I can verify some of these properties via 'Stats for Nerds' and the game is using default values instead of the defined ones. This is how it should be defined in the example provided:
FireThreshold: 999
I could provide a list of lines that have this issue, but I think it'll be faster by just searching for the string "damageAlter." (with a period at the end, yes). Just make sure you're not in regular expression search as the period will return anything valid in that spot.
Also, for
FireThreshold, its default value is 1000, is there a special meaning for this default? or when setting it to 999?
recoveryPoints recoveryPoints: 0r