Author Topic: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run (AAR Write up in Progress)  (Read 25394 times)

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2024, 11:06:31 pm »
Captains Log #2
1st of May 2601

Something is flying outside of the base. Scouts have reported an thin silhouette circling around. Assuming it was a drone, I ordered the crew to bunker down and expeditionary crew to be recalled. It wasn't the first time we'd been attacked in our home, and i'd have us be ready if the academy wanted to have round two with us. Thankfully, it was neither the Academy, nor an attack force... Rather, it was worse. It was those Ubers again- and they're rather cross with us. Some of our contacts later told us that those were 'Ninjas', that the blips we saw on radar was their interceptor force.

'Bikes', as you were, that could easily shoot down our airbus. We have to be Extraordinarily careful from now on: We don't have claws for Sky combat. If they catch us, we'll lose an entire wing of Claw-Sisters to an ambush. Once more, I press Cat O'Nine Tails for Airships: And once more im denied aid. It simply cannot be done through the channels we have.

Cat O'Nine Tails however is making good on her promise to help swell our numbers. Within but a few months, our numbers have exploded nearly twice over. Going from our original eight to Twenty three, I fear almost that we have expanded too fast. I know the Original Starlight crew well, as if we were a litter. But they are not familiar with me yet as a Captain- I do not blame them for this. Leadership changes a sister. Now they must get familiar with equally wild personalities- whom in turn that do not know me. My leadership is tested, and I must be sufficient for task.

It was already tested when we were put to task, to save some of the Peregrine Cult- Tourists from that spiritual ideology. A swarm of bats descended upon the sisters- I still wonder why they were in the bloody Coldof all things... But. We could only save one. A mystic by the name of SquirrelWizard (They claim that they were given this name. Fair enough, I'll find out their real name soon enough) The others scattered or were dead. I see hurt in the sisters eyes, and wonder if they blame me for the failure of the operation... or if they wish for vengeance upon the foe, that we did the best we could? That we were unprepared and had to fight with skin upon snow, certainly did not help our case. I was interred for at least a week from my bits wanting to freeze off...

But. The point stands. We've certainly the capacity to fight now. And fight we will. Before writing my log, I had to manage payroll... There was not enough Cognac for my needs. If the sisters knew that we're only making a fourth of what was needed, I'd have a full blown Rebellion or Trial to cull the numbers. The most dangerous thing that a mercenary force can do- is know that their payroll is unreliable. But I've kept the secret for now: If I am able to expand our labor force quickly enough and increase through-put... They'll never know, and they'll be happy kits. Right as rain, and we can get back to plundering.

To put their minds at ease, I've assigned a Wing to the Little Bird. They've already shot down several craft, and I've tasked them with finding more ammo for its machine gun. When sisters are busy with killing, there's little time for questioning. Hell, I'm rather quite proud of them as of late: Despite the privative tech, they shot down an entire wing of enemy aircraft. "Necropirates', as they are called. Amazingly resilient though- I will need the Research team to figure out what they hell they are Exactly, but to this date: No sister has been put into the Graybook. I am thankful for their skill and capabilities- yet must be scornful of how quickly some of them waste their nine lives.

I can feel that book burning though; Throbbing as it looks as me. It wishes for a victim. My anxiety only grows.

Stream is over after running late. Aaaaaa

Post Mortem

Hired: Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-9, K-9), NictisOfTheMafia (B-10 K-10), Lucille (Newly Hired!), Wabbon (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-20 K-39), Zephyr1124 (B-25, K-48), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-22, K-26), Kiest (B-19, K-35), Xeoposer (B-14, K-16), Roush (B-26, K-39), Isdar (B-23, K-25), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-25, K-60), Tarmph (B-31, K-56), NebTheSquid (B-5, K-14), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-19, K-43), Fleur Vert (B-24, K-36), Doctor Rex (B-10, K-7), ArdriKrios (B-9, K-17), NinjaZombie0 (B-11, K-16), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-13, K-15) Curechain9 (B-13, K-8), Mjolko (B-15, K-13), Talemgrandmaster (B-16, K-30) Shirajirajin (B-15, K-11), , Slegex (B-13 K-17)

Died: shoGGofu (B-6. K-6. Spartan Ambush.), The Little Bird (Lasted all of a month. Stupid Jetbike spawning on top of it. At least it went down swinging.)

Deus Ex Machinas: 18 (34 Total)
The base defense. The fuuuuucking base defense... I've learned to respect Difficulty 4 Dogetide.

The Good: Industrial Output is at full capacity. Suppressed Pistols are Online Baby. Space suits means that we'll have Undersea missions soon, and the first upgraded Transport is unlocked. Still need to buy it (Which costs too much). Brainers are near capped out and we'll get some more here soon with personal labs coming up. Kevlar is the next objective.

The Bad: Dogetide. Holy Shit dogs are nasty on Difficulty 4. I think 9+ of the DEM's today was just "And the dog cleared 2 chambers into the third one, and killed someone". Someone finally died as well, Sorry Shog. Turns out we got unlucky and spawned into Spartans.

Some really bad First Spawn turns as well. That sucked too.

The Funny: As much as it sucked Balls, it is kind of funny that the Ninja Jetbike spawned onto of my Helicopter coming back. As if to say "Begone with you!"

Also I learned that Dogs are their own faction now. They must be, because I had an agent mission with nothing but Dogs. Dogetide must of gotten them too.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 05:58:47 am by Yugian »

Offline Kamivax

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2024, 10:25:45 pm »
Another funny is finding out one of the cats most dedicated to melee is also one of if not THE most accurate shooter in the crew. How the hell does that happen?

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2024, 10:38:21 pm »
Another funny is finding out one of the cats most dedicated to melee is also one of if not THE most accurate shooter in the crew. How the hell does that happen?

Shotguns, stupid good ACC Growth and Lady Luck Medals.

Thats at least a +6 right there. Which, considering your at 137- basically accounts for all but one bonus. Which im pretty sure "Master of X" is getting the last of it.

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2024, 10:55:26 pm »
some absolutely brutal missions in this session. nice to see that people are starting to run out of redos and dying-for-real.

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2024, 11:00:36 pm »
some absolutely brutal missions in this session. nice to see that people are starting to run out of redos and dying-for-real.

Honestly, half of those were because im pants on head stupid, and tried to push some things I shouldnt have (Why did i think that Reaction killing spiders was a good idea?)

Dogetide though? Thats just. Fuck.

Still. If people are gonna spend em, earlier is typically better in an XCOM game. But yeah. The Tax refund is basically over. Which is good. I've gotten a good feel for how we wanna fight. Cats as they are Really don't want to fight in the day. And every occasion we have to is a mass casualty event waiting to happen. Kevlar cant come soon enough.

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2024, 11:02:32 pm »
Captains Log #3
2nd of July, 2601

A disaster and a tragedy. One for each month. The first is... A set back. The second however, is the first of many losses to come. This is not the first time I've lost a claw sister. It is not the first time I've even lost squads. But I was never the captain. I was always a field commander. I fought and bled with my sisters upon the field, fighting against the Ethereal empire and its auxiliaries. I've fought pirates (Irony abounds that we're now the very same thing we hunted), scum and fools. But today, is the first time that someone has died under my commission. Her death was... undignified. An ambush at the breach- gunned down by a spray of machinegun fire. So much happening at once that we couldn't even retrieve her body.

I... I feel remorse for this. That we've no means to give her last burial rites. That we cannot retrieve her body, as those... Those Men have likely done terrible things with it. The crew already looks to me for answers. Half are wondering how it happened- the ground crew blame themselves for abandoning Shog's body in the chaos... and there is an air of vengeance on the deck. The illusion of invincibility has been broken. There is Starlight blood on Terran soil: an insult that cannot be rectified. The sisters scowl sharply as they sharpen their blades.

Next time... Next time, they will not run. There is blood in the water, and they are on the hunt.

As if my authority wasn't under enough threat, we also faced an assault force of Ratmen- taking vengeance for our successes as of late. They employed combat dogs that... Nearly took the lives of several other sisters. I could count as many as they defied fortune, their lives burning away as panic overtook the base. We were VERY lucky: No lives were lost. But these encounters are weakening faith in the crew. Doubt is creeping in- And the disaster with the spiders... The governments are happy with our performance, but the morale of the crew MUST be accounted for. If they lose faith... Mutiny is not far behind. They will not die for a cause if they believe I do not have their best interests at heart.

We're starting to face foes our equal- and we are sorely underequipped. These last few disasters have only highlighted how dangerously underprepared we are. Now that mortality has crept its hand over our shoulders- our sisters feel encroaching death. He has now become my foe- It is not a battle that I can win, but I must keep him at bay... And considering we cannot commission armor from home, we must look to domestic solutions. Perhaps we will look to the very killers that took Shoggofu's life, for our solution. Our claw sisters reported that they were rather resistant to our attacks...

I still need time to write a Eulogy. As with my logs as of recent, I've been having to do so by my bedside. Once I'm on my feet again, I can give the proper address. The sisters need to know that our fallen are not forgotten. That even if they gave everything for our dream, that they still shall return to the stars with us.

All Glorious, to our fallen sisters. All glorious, for vengeance we shall have. These Men shall pay the price.

Stream is Over
The Vod is here!

Post Mortem
Hired: Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-15, K-18)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-27 K-55, Zephyr1124 (B-30, K-69), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-29, K-39), Kiest (B-21, K-35), Xeoposer (B-26, K-54), Isdar (B-28, K-51), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-29, K-80), Tarmph (B-39, K-79), NebTheSquid (B-11, K-20), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-25, K-56), Fleur Vert (B-29, K-55), Doctor Rex (B-13, K-10), ArdriKrios (B-19, K-38), NinjaZombie0 (B-15, K-24), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-20, K-20), Mjolko (B-20, K-18), Talemgrandmaster (B-23, K-36) Shirajirajin (B-17, K-11), , Slegex (B-19, K-23), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-20, K-34), NictisOfTheMafia (B-21 K-19), , Wabbon (B-6, K-4)

Died: Roush (B-27, K-40, Gave their life to save another sister. Got Robo-coped with Dragonbreath Rounds.), Lucille (B-11, K-16, Tried to Match the Drifter with the Big Iron on his Hip.) Curechan9 (B-17, K-12, The Winter Tower was a Trap.)

Deus Ex Machinas: 8 (42 Total)
The Winter Tower. THE WINTER TOWER.

The Good: Kevlar is Online. Didn't do Lucille much good, but hey, we have it now. Red Codex is Active. 17 Brainers are going at it- so Research is in full swing.  Also Rifle bullets are manufacturable now, so the Whirly Bird can actually KILL things again on the AIrscape. Hell yeah.

The Bad: I learned today units can be displaced. This happened to disastrous effect regarding the Comms tower. Either they rushed me, or suicide dove bombed right into my cats. Sorry Curechan.

Doctor X is not an Optional Encounter. We need advanced medicine to continue the Story/Progession line. Therefore, Caturday is impossible. To move past the roadblock, we are allowing one set of Ubers to be hired to go do the X-Prison.

The Funny: Nothing overly funny in the moment. Bandit Camp Large went pretty good.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 05:59:18 am by Yugian »

Offline Kamivax

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2024, 01:46:44 pm »
Is it any ubers or it has to be lunatic ubers only to deal with X?

Offline John___Doe

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2024, 09:44:57 pm »
It isn't hard to allow cats in x-prison, just need to add them and their desired outfit in the xprison startcon. It would look something like the attached.

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2024, 10:39:17 pm »
It isn't hard to allow cats in x-prison, just need to add them and their desired outfit in the xprison startcon. It would look something like the attached.

Its not, but im trying to play as hard by the rules of the game as possible- so others can follow the steps if they wanted to do Caturday. Its why I started in Catlifornia and planked the starting six ubers.
That being said, If its thematically interesting- there might be room to bend the rules a Little bit...
Side bar, thanks for the file.  ;)

Edit - As I think about it, It still might be impossible, even if we bring cats along. The doors might be too strong for them to breach, and I dont know how much its destruction factor is.
Reedit- Never mind, I misremembered the first door being sliding. its 100% possible. Just need to quickly grab the pickaxe

Is it any ubers or it has to be lunatic ubers only to deal with X?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2024, 11:44:25 pm by Yugian »

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2024, 05:28:35 am »
Interlude #2
January 22st, 2601

During the address to the crew, it turns out a 'blazing star' fell near the base. We had about ten minutes to smear paint and get our equipment ready. Of course, for the shadow kits, it’s just their daily attire by this point. Amusingly embarrassing to start with, annoyingly frustrating once they gained confidence in wearing it, But that is besides the point. I set out with a vanguard and moved towards the crash site with weapons at the ready. For posterity’s sake, I have recorded audio of the mission for playback at my leisure. We've still got some earpieces and radios to keep in communication with each other on the field, it’s how I can give orders despite being in a sick bed.

We nearly had a friendly fire incident from someone being a bit too jumpy, but I cant blame them. Our "star" turned out be a wrecked ship hull, codenamed the "Menacing Hull". The damn thing barely resembles a ship, more like a lump of metal with booster rockets attached to it. It’s a miracle it could carry its crew complement -a complement of recently escaped individuals not too unlike ourselves, mutants of the Uber Strain. I am no stranger to Humankind - I've had my encounters with Marsec and tranS-Stellar - but humanity is roughly our equal. Smooth skinned, instead of blessed with fur. Nubs for fingers instead of claws. Tough, instead of graceful. These... Creatures though?

They are terrifying giants. They clear over us by at least sixty centimeters, and at least are two Kits wide. Their muscle tissue and skin are not unlike body armor (for all we know, it could very be they augmented!), and it is a fact they know blatantly well. They will happily wade into battle with whatever weapons they can stride forward with, knowing that they can absorb enormous damage and still hold a reasonable chance of survival. It is seemingly a cultural ideal that they present their bodies in as little coverage as possible, as if to present their strength to the world and show that they are unafraid - or as a sign of 'beauty'.

I think the truth of the matter is that they recognize they are a living terror weapon, and here were three members of that very strain right before us. This is where that 'near accident’ happened. Only the drill I wear on my necklace nowadays prevented an incident, and most definitely a few casualties, one of which I don’t think I would’ve walked away from. They were at first hostile... Then they recognized that I held a key on me. A key that they needed for their ship. A ship that they were only too happy to surrender to us, on two conditions:

First, if we were willing to investigate the mystery that had been consuming their existence, a mystery ship that held wonderous power... That needed the drill to activate.

Second, they needed somewhere to live- and they were Non-Combatants. They all were, claiming to be Scientists - 'Brainers', if you would.

Well, as it turns out I have a fully stocked laboratory that’s just collecting dust. If they could fix up some of the equipment in this base, if we could get their ship working again, and if we have a way out? They will earn their keep. Besides- I have a crew of warriors, not scientists. As strange as it would be to host mutants in our base, I doubt anyone wants to make a career watching their Claw-Sisters claim glory.

12th of Feburary, 2601

It has been a few weeks from when I allowed the survivors of the Menacing Hull (Their words) to dwell within Starlight... Which, not unlike the flag we now bear, has become the name of our home. Our hopes, our dreams and our desire to return to the stars- they live and die inside this hole in the ground. That is a hell of a place to put one’s faith, especially given the fact this place is crumbling at the seams so badly that it’s held up by duratape and prayers... Yet even so the Kits have settled into the flow of life here well, even if we have a glowing hole in the floor of a room. Even if its not comfortable, I've ordered all crew to dwell within quarters well away from the literal sludge pit, as we don't have the facilities to treat radiation poisoning.

The 'Brainers' are possessed of both madness and annoyingly narrow focus when it comes to their interests. I've given them instruction to focus on getting our communication dish back up and running, and they did. But they have also spent the better part of a month philosophizing over what it meant to be a pirate, the empowering qualities of lingerie, and why we should wear specific brands... As if that wasn’t bad enough, in between discussing these pillars of 'culture', they take breaks and molest the captives we happen to take in for ransom! Needless to say, if they weren't so goddamn effective at their work, I'd have them thrown out or shot! For a number of reasons, we can’t ransom back people who have been Snu-Snu'd!

We've an Ethyrnet connection though, and it did not take long for us to get some hits. The governments were happy to have a more direct line to contact us, but more importantly we've discovered that agents of the House are present on this planet, both from the Peregrine Cult, and the Empress herself, and both of which wished to establish relations with us. Our unique circumstances - as fledgling as they are - provide an interesting opportunity for political moves on Earth. Even before we've even proven ourselves as a true power yet, we've become a polity. It speaks to how... Influential we can become that we can tilt the balance of power so. I've a meeting with the Peregrine cult here soon - an agent by the name of 'Cat of Nine tails'. The name strikes me as pretentious - or otherwise inane - but for the sake of our Claw-Sisters, I will see to her.

I don't think they truly realize, however, that we just want to go home

« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 10:50:34 am by Yugian »

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2024, 10:58:44 pm »
Memento Mori
September 3rd, 2601

Sisters, we are gathered here today- To mourn the loss of our claw-sisters.

Setting upon the path of glory, to form the foundation of our warrior house- we knew the danger that we would face. Left with nothing but our claws and our wits, we have had to scavenge, tear and steal everything we've had. It would be inevitable that we would be left undersupplied, and without the proper equipment to wage our battles. Despite all, I am proud of you all. The blood spilled in our name, the victories taken in our name... which is why we must also recognize the sacrifices in our name. We will only lose more sisters along the way- Whom gave everything so that we may return to the stars in which we belong.

We remember ShoGGofu, a victim of Men whom call themselves Spartans. Cowards and scoundrels, we have done wrong by her to have given her body to them. I swear, upon my honor as captain- that we *Will* find her, and inter her into the halls. May the Violence inflicted upon them be but a step towards the path of redemption. We remember Lucille- a Sweet and innocent Kit. I believe that she was starting to come to know us as crew, and would have been a fine sister to join us in the journey across the stars. We remember Curechan, A victim of the winter tower. A... Mistake on our behalf, and one I take full responsibility for. And finally, we remember Roush. Whom above all, shall be remembered for giving her life- to save that of her Claw-Sister. Would that it be that we all give our lives for so noble a deed. To her, the highest honors shall be bequeathed.

Interred into our great halls, we shall preserve their bodies, so that once we may return to the stars- they may be buried properly. Cast into the void, towards the sun. For there is no better a fitting end to a Warrior of the Stars, then to be returned to that great expanse.

We are the brave!
Let us feast and love today,
For Tomorrow, we may die!

Captains Log #3

The address has been finished. Songs of merriment and drink carry through the halls, as somber airs bleed away to a celebration that is life. I would partake, but there is not enough senior staff to help me manage the duties of the crew, and it seems bittersweet to celebrate my failures whilst my Claw-Sisters drink to life. I imagine such is the case with Kaminyan as well- I caught a glint of their eye before they departed the address. Whom could blame them? Even from a tribal background- practically earthborn... Maybe Especially so, the loss is felt. After all, were it not for Roush's sacrifice, it would be Them in this address.

We all deal with grief in our own ways. I do not begrudge hers.

I've been balancing the books so far. Money is still tight, but we're making strides to correct that. Our Engineering staff are Finally equipped with tools to start balancing out the Munitions stockpiles. Our greatest challenges have been equipping the kits with a reliable set of equipment: Weapons that they can count on and reliably field, and Armor to preserve and protect them. There is only so long can go gone unseen: And both have been resolved. For as much grief as the Brainers give me, they have designed an all encompassing battle dress- A Kevlar weave that adorns us from tail to head. Coated in familiar paints to help us blend in, and yet is light weight and flexible. The only problem we now face for its universal deployment is logistics and manufacturing our own weave. Problems that should soon fix themselves in time.

Instead, I turn to greater ambitions. We have been cooped up too long in our hideout. Reactive, instead of proactive. We need further eyes upon the world- Finances to fund a second operational base. Expansion becomes my creed. If we are to meet expectations- to gather intelligence and find where these Spartans live, we will need to expand how far our eyes reach. Facilities to supply our needs. Tiger Transport has been willing to provide us another Helicopter for the purposes of commanding the skies- and now with the ability to keep it fed with ammunition...

They will learn the danger that is a Sky-Warrior. For there are no better pilots then a Claw-Sister. Even if we're using ramshackle equipment. (What we we wouldn't give for a claw...)

Would that I expand on my thoughts, but I must honor a promise. The drill around my neck pulses with a tingling energy- Throbbing with an excitement. The Brainers have finally figured how to draw its power... The temptation to reject the power was ever present, but no. I cannot risk their mutiny- I cannot risk angering them. Were it not for my word- I would have cast this thing away. It whispers in my ear and promises me great power. That to honor the gods, I will become something more. The coincidence finally comes full circle as the answer was reached: Someone was watching- and directing our very actions.

They've come to collect. But I will not be their pawn. By the time we return to the stars: They shall tremble at what they have created.

Stream is over!
Part 1 of vod is here, we had a crash
And Part 2 is right here!

Post Mortem
Hired: CGP (B-1, K-0) Krickraken (Newly Hired!) Curechan9 II (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-36 K-89), Zephyr1124 (B-39, K-102) ,Fleur Vert (B-33, K-80), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-43, K-69), Kiest (B-26, K-44), Xeoposer (B-39, K-98), Isdar (B-37, K-65), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-38, K-105), Tarmph (B-45, K-96), Mittens Leadpaw (B-15, K-26), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-39, K-76), DoctorRex (B-14, K-14), ArdriKrios (B-25, K-53), NinjaZombie0 (B-22, K-50), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-27, K-24), Mjolko (B-26, K-26), Talemgrandmaster (B-38, K-55) Shirajirajin (B-24, K-17), , Slegex (B-30, K-39), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-37, K-62), NictisOfTheMafia (B-37 K-41), Wabbon (B-19, K-30), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-24, K-30)

Died: No one!

Deus Ex Machinas: 9 (51 Total)
Huh. Didnt feel like nine.

The Good: Kevlar is just about Universal. We have stabilized the Codex at this point, Fausts are within Arms Reach, and other aircraft are not far behind. We're starting to reach that comfortable curve of the game which we can start blazing through missions.

The Bad: Im still debating if I go Mutant Alliance or not. Honestly, my experience has been pretty comfortable without it, but there a lot im missing right now because of no Library. Decisions, Decisions...

The Funny: 14mm Tank Rifle go Brt. Especially when it doesnt.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 09:47:05 pm by Yugian »

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2024, 11:07:32 pm »
Captains Log #4
November 3rd, 2601

Taut ties bite into my flesh, Leather grips tightly as if to become my second skin. Decorative swords are put upon my hip, and a gilded crown is put upon my head- glistening with gold, Plastasteel and elegant frills. The tapestry that my blades rest upon is a fresh weave, the story of our house with all the care a craftswoman can mind. Made of silks and furs, the compliment to all this gaudiness is jewelry made of trophies. Each of our claw-sisters has offered her 'tribute' to me: A feather from a fine bird, a Bullet casing and dried herbs to name but a few...

I am made into a show piece. A 'beautiful' thing, made to intimidate our foes. I worry that we have taken this rallying cry too far- But it is too late now. I did not stop the kits when they embraced being pirates. I did not stop the sisters when they embraced traditional living and the reemergence of huntress culture. Now I Cannot stop this. I cannot stop my Claw-sisters violating my privacy to decorate me so. That I am now exalted- that we embrace the madness of earth, and commit treason against our empress.

I am now made Queen. A queen of pirates- a Warrior Queen, the strongest of us all. One who shall guide us back to the stars- and Noblesse Obliges.

"...Shall everyday begin as such now? I do not need help dressing..." It is an irritated reply, but an honest one. At least it is not a mutiny to begin each day. If my authority is to be belittled, it is at the very least one that in service to me.

"Be thankful Kaminyan is not here to decorate you, Capnyan. Have you seen the elaborate knots they can do? And the bodypaint..." The first kit sighs softly, and I am unsure if she is in fear or in awe. The Dancer chimes in soon afterwards- ensuring that the dress is upon my frame, yet light enough to not restrict my movement. "Why not? There is Much of your body left untouched. You don't want to be a living canvas?"

I see a wolfish grin behind her eyes. Its a bloody tease, somehow having caught on to my... Sheepish disposition about all of this. If I did not know better, that this is a conspiracy to straighten my spine. Embrace what I have become. It is no coincidence that two of the most feminine members of the crew are now attending to me. If I am displeased, they will surely spend another hour to prepare me for the day.

"I think I'm Quite Content with what I have right now, I do not need-" I am interrupted, unable to finish my sentence. An unintentional mistake- but a fatal one. "Only Content? Oh that will not do. Dear, could you go get the gray box on the counter? I believe our Queen expects a higher standard of us..."

Gods save me. The empress wont.

Stream is over!
Saaaauce. Cant find the artist here. Wouldnt mind some help.
The VERY late Vod.

Post Mortem
Hired: Rovlemhage (Newly Hired!), CLAW OF THE NORTH NYAN (B-1 K-9), Das_Bystander (Newly Hired!) ZebraFinch (Newly Hired!) Jim3798 ((Newly Hired!) BoboBuffalo (Newly Hired!) Scotty297 (Newly Hired!)

Survivors: Gwynevere Bennett (Way of Missed Strike, B-38 K-98, Zephyr1124 (B-46, K-125) ,Fleur Vert (B-38, K-95), Gentlefood (Way of Shadow, B-53, K-99), Kiest (B-33, K-54), Xeoposer (B-55, K-156), Isdar (B-43, K-80), Kaminyan The Blender Cat (Way of Death, B-44, K-123), Tarmph (B-54, K-107), Mittens Leadpaw (B-18, K-33), Catvy (Way of Shadow, B-45, K-84), DoctorRex (B-24, K-24), ArdriKrios (B-37, K-79), NinjaZombie0 (B-26, K-55), SquirrelWizard (Way of Sunlight, B-45, K-69), Mjolko (B-36, K-39), Talemgrandmaster (B-52, K-75) Shirajirajin (B-39, K-50), , Slegex (B-33, K-41), Violeta Kellide (Way of Shadow, B-48, K-99), NictisOfTheMafia (B-41 K-46), Wabbon (B-29, K-60), Sayuri (Way of Claw, B-29, K-40),  CGP (B-10, K-15) Krickraken (B-11, K-14) Curechan9 II (B-7, K-4),

Died: Streched Shana (K-2), Irked Mrmyshka (K-2), Velvet Flapper (K-3), Lazy Bun (K-3) (Died Holding the Line.)

Deus Ex Machinas: 12 (63 Total)
At least 5 were used to save the weed base. But we have some very rough lethals here.

The Good: Happy New Years! We managed to make it through the Year and we're on 2602! Congrats Cats, we're powering through! The Weed Base was preserved and we have our science books now. So, Back to School here Very Soon. Its a bit slower then I could of done honestly, but I was seeing if I couldn't hit some thematic points. It didn't, and with new pathing- we're going to get caught up. Also, We have VOODOO. We can see our Psi-Scores! Huzzah!

The Bad: So, Some pathing was done and why some story writing was delayed. X-Prison isn't needed, but holy shit is life going to suck because of it. For spoiler reasons, I wont mention them, but I am... Tightening my belt, and getting ready for some rough times.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 10:35:08 pm by Yugian »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2024, 03:44:35 pm »
Its not, but im trying to play as hard by the rules of the game as possible- so others can follow the steps if they wanted to do Caturday. Its why I started in Catlifornia and planked the starting six ubers.
That being said, If its thematically interesting- there might be room to bend the rules a Little bit...

I fully understand your position. However, Dr. X's entire arc relies upon her special connection with her Uber creations. The prison is but the first step here, with later missions and stories being heavily dependent on the Escaped Lunatics' past and the Doctor's story with them. While it's easy to allow catgirls on Uber-only missions, rewriting the whole story would be a major ordeal, or else a part of the game won't make any sense. Even the Captain is supposed to be a Lunatic herself, as Dr. X treats her so; if the Captain and her crew are not ubers, Dr. X wouldn't have the motivation to pursue them in the first place.
In my opinion it would be best to just accept that this particular arc won't be explored in this campaign. There are other important allies whose arcs don't mind you being a catgirl.

Offline Psyentific

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2024, 09:25:05 pm »
"I think I'm Quite Content with what I have right now, I do not need-" I am interrupted, unable to finish my sentence. An unintentional mistake- but a fatal one. "Only Content? Oh that will not do. Dear, could you go get the gray box on the counter? I believe our Queen expects a higher standard of us..."

Gods save me. The empress wont.
I'm getting a bit of an Overlord vibe here; this whole scheme has gotten away from itself and now The Captain is merely along for the ride.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 09:26:57 pm by Psyentific »

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2024, 10:26:42 pm »
I fully understand your position. However, Dr. X's entire arc relies upon her special connection with her Uber creations. The prison is but the first step here, with later missions and stories being heavily dependent on the Escaped Lunatics' past and the Doctor's story with them. While it's easy to allow catgirls on Uber-only missions, rewriting the whole story would be a major ordeal, or else a part of the game won't make any sense. Even the Captain is supposed to be a Lunatic herself, as Dr. X treats her so; if the Captain and her crew are not ubers, Dr. X wouldn't have the motivation to pursue them in the first place.
In my opinion it would be best to just accept that this particular arc won't be explored in this campaign. There are other important allies whose arcs don't mind you being a catgirl.

Holy shit its Scorch. Hi dude. Hopefully this has been an entertaining read!

Yeah, I am in agreeance with you here. When I started the run, and realized No Dr. X, that meant
No Tanhouser gates and thus the humanist questline wont happen.
, that was rough. Its also why for the writings I haven't mentioned her: Its funny she keeps diving bombing us with base defense in the run- but I do agree she really *Should* have no interest in us, except maybe having her car, and we got rid of that.

Its merely how to rectify getting Advanced Medicine- which without, we cannot advance the game. We'll eventually hit a roadblock and cant Graduate/High Studies (I forget which). Its also why I debated on Mutant Alliance for a Hot Minute.
I doubt I was going to get Lucky *Twice* with Lazy Ass Book Drop.
Considering they're more of a Political faction that Represents Mutants rather then "Be a Mutant or GTFO", and that I was well behind on a Library... Yeah. ended up caving here. Besides, they use you- as much as you use them. Its just only more tense now, given we're Xenos.

I'm getting a bit of an Overlord vibe here; this whole scheme has gotten away from itself and now The Captain is merely along for the ride.

The Pains of Wrangling Catgirls whom are 90% outlaw by volume. Except Sayuri's a Tourist.

The pain of Wrangling Catgirls. We're all merely along for the ride at this point. But I personally believe in stories with levity as much as they feature its cruelties.  ;)
Things will get far more serious. And the Red Codex is bound to change a fair bit as well.