Author Topic: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run  (Read 8550 times)

Offline Kamivax

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #75 on: June 15, 2024, 06:44:05 pm »
So in the version we are doing this run on (N7.0.4) the singing spear does charm damage and gives Femme Fatale Commendations, but when we check the Xpedia (which is admittedly for version N8), it says it should do warp damage with a resist type of charm, and should give unmaker commendations (since its doing warp damage), is it supposed to do Charm damage in Version N7.0.4?

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #76 on: June 15, 2024, 10:20:35 pm »
I have to say, I really dig that art as a Drakkar illustration.

Honestly, I got Really lucky stumbling onto that. Figured it was 'close enough', and it was a solid piece of art.

Also considering the Drakkar is The end game craft for us, It deserved a nice depiction. Its as much a character now as is our crew. Arguably far more disciplined too.  :P

Also, suuuuup Scorch. o/

Offline Kamivax

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2024, 03:30:13 am »
Honestly, I got Really lucky stumbling onto that. Figured it was 'close enough', and it was a solid piece of art.

Also considering the Drakkar is The end game craft for us, It deserved a nice depiction. Its as much a character now as is our crew. Arguably far more disciplined too.  :P

Also, suuuuup Scorch. o/
It's not exactly fair to compare the discipline of cats and a literal machine

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2024, 10:55:47 am »
Looking forward to the next episode! :3

Offline Yugian

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Re: Everyday is Caturday Challenge Run
« Reply #79 on: June 20, 2024, 12:17:47 am »
January 2604

I was told two months. It was my Christmas gift. In my stable, now lays a black devil under my command. As fast as our flagship, with a combat load far closer aligned to our combat doctrine. A beauty of a dropship, and even capable of carrying tanks. It was everything I was promised, well under half the time that was needed. As I ponder this, I've come to realize that my FBB has been... exaggerating timelines to me. I've started to catch onto her little trick. Whilst not perfectly so, I've come to learn that any equation she's been throwing at me, has been divisible by a factor of four.

Giving her that box-set of Earth Xenophilia paraphernalia has been a monumental mistake. But the amount of work she puts out, and the joy she experiences in such matters is... I can excuse the quirks, I guess. Maybe. But that is besides the point.

Once more, I feel a foreboding as the new year comes about, despite the calm. This year was the first with the Claw-Warriors, and they certainly brought back old traditions to the base. It is only in our fourth year and their contrast- that I realize how much we've acclimated to earth tradition and culture. They held a silent vigil to the fallen- and we aimed to share gifts and joy to the base. They treated the season as somber melancholy, and we have adopted the spirit of revelry.

How quickly this planet and its customs have effected us. It explains why our Tribal cats were so swept up, so fast. How we became so... and how fast these Claw-Warriors may come to join us. But once more, besides the point.

I keep making side tangents- to distract myself from the gentle feeling dread that is upon us. I believe it was... Two years ago at this point, that I felt this very way. Or maybe just a year- The time flows so fast. Despite combat and despite the death... It has become normal. A campaign measured in the vast stretch. But it was on these days that I once again reflect and ponder- and know that our enemies are returning. An Ethereal task force came to seek us out: Figure out where we were and root us out. We parried and countered them as best as we could- but they have not deigned to return.

They will be returning soon, with how much we've established ourselves on this world. How much people have come to fear our 'sect'. Even in our simple efforts- our effectiveness in battle and blood spilt, we've established a new world order. The governments confer with us in our efforts to mediate their conflicts. They've betrayed information of where the factions establish their permanent installations in which they derive their power- and it was only just three days hence that we blew an entire academy center of learning sky high.

Nothing more then a crater. An offering of the truest faith to the destroyer.

It has been a slow road to get here, but our enemies move against us.  They know what we're capable of. We've proven time, and time again. Endlessly- in combat, the strength of our dominion. It is even now, that we start to reverse engineer the very technology of the Ethereals. We finally understand enough of their means- that we can bring valuable information back to the Empire.

Do I want to though? I have ruminated and pondered my navel for quite some time, but a choice is coming. Its coming soon. It has woven its way into my dreams- but one does not need the powers of a saint to feel it in their bones. Undoubtedly- my Claw-Sisters can feel this too. They have fought hard and long enough, been with me long enough to feel that the season of change is upon us once more. That they can feel that a decision must be made on the matter. That we will soon reach a point of no return.

To swear loyalty to our crown is one thing. To be bound by it is another. To write this, treasonous- and I could easily be sentenced to death for such thoughts. But such is the weight of crowns.

It is not upon us yet. But the signs will start to emerge. Then we will see what I rule over.

I needless to say, ruined Christmas by being a Sour Pus. I have only just recently recovered from being thrown in the hotbox and told that i needed to take a 'chillpill'. I don't like these 'chillpills'. I've only been cursed with introspective pondering and damned visions!

Stream is oVER!
It is in Light, where the Darkest Shadows are cast.
« Last Edit: Today at 12:48:34 am by Yugian »