
Author Topic: [DONE][Suggestion] Unify removal from psi/gym training  (Read 1506 times)

Offline psavola

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[DONE][Suggestion] Unify removal from psi/gym training
« on: February 27, 2024, 08:09:44 am »
Continuing from a side comment from here:

Regular soldier transformations can be configured with 'transferTime' (the soldier "leaves the base") or 'recoveryTime' (the soldier gets "wounded" for a certain time, the time is always affected by Medbays). With the latter option, the soldier gets kicked out of PSI training, but you can manually put him immediately back to the training. Getting wounded on the battlescape, however, AFAIK does not kick the soldier off PSI training (but I didn't test to confirm this). On the other hand, you cannot gym train wounded soldiers, though they get or can be queued for training automatically when they recover (shows with '+' or '-' sign),

PSI training while wounded seems inconsistent in a number of ways compared to gym training.

I suppose there is no big demand for modders to be able to gym train wounded soldiers (though I suppose some could perhaps argue that being able to do physical exercises should fasten your recovery). But I suppose modders might want to have PSI training wrt. wounded soldiers configurable.

- For example, in TFTD PSI training is explained as inserting a surgical MC implant on the soldier. It would make sense that such surgical implantation could be applied even to wounded soldiers (= not requiring any or at least major active training from the aquanaut). [A modder might actually also want a behaviour that inserting the implant causes wounding for some time, i.e. not able to go on battlescape missions.] On other implementations, PSI training (before or after you learn the first bits of PSI skill), you might require the soldier to be healthy to conduct all the mental or molecular exercises.

So in summary, what I'd like is that:

1) the default behaviour of kicking soldier off PSI training after having applied a transformation with 'recoveryTime' is changed either so that you can
 a) continue PSI training while wounded and you don't need to insert him back manually ('allow smooth PSI training while not requiring manual re-insertment'), or
 b) not by default PSI train wounded soldiers ('change behavior by removing the manual re-insertment loophole and also make it consistent so that battlescape wounding would take the soldier off PSI training')

2) if you no longer can PSI train wounded soldiers, add a similar +- queuing GUI to PSI training as currently exists with gym training

3) major modders to comment on whether they would like the various aspects of PSI training of wounded soldiers be configurable. I can think of at least three scenarios that might all be the same but one could possibly want to treat in a different manner:
 a) can the initial PSI training be applied also to wounded soldiers [note also OG PSI training mode of being able to start training only on a monthly basis],
 b) can initial PSI training continue and produce results (= get closer to obtaining the first PSI skill) even though the soldier gets wounded (whether by transformation or in the battlefield) and
 c) after you have obtained your first PSI skill, can you improve your PSI skill while being wounded.

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I will try to unify everything as follows:

1. if a soldier is transferred (from anywhere to anywhere, for whatever reason):
- they are removed from psi training
- they are removed from gym training, but will try to restart gym training once arrived and healthy (at midnight)

2. if a soldier is wounded (anywhere, for whatever reason):
- they are not removed from psi training
- they are removed from gym training, but will try to restart gym training once arrived and healthy (at midnight)

3. if a soldier is transformed into a different soldier type and the new soldier type doesn't support psi training
- they are removed from psi training (PS: the modder is responsible for fixing psi skill/strength accordingly, not me)
- gym training is unaffected

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Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Unify removal from psi/gym training
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2024, 01:36:17 pm »