
Author Topic: A question on aircraft  (Read 2442 times)

Offline PPQ

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A question on aircraft
« on: January 20, 2024, 02:34:15 am »
I usually skip the MIG-31 and go strait for the interceptor because that's what I always did in old XCOM. Do you guys think that's a good idea or maybe I am making a mistake here?

Offline Stone Lake

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2024, 06:32:35 am »
Usually you can skip both MiGs / Interceptors altogether and get to Ravens / Thunderstorms. If you have Kitsune, it can outrun/intercept weak UFOs, which is exactly the niche for these. Usually you're better off tailing UFOs to landing, anyway.
Also, I don't remember MiGs ever being there in "old XCOM", unless you mean "old XCOM Files".

Offline PPQ

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2024, 11:21:27 am »
Probably. This mod is such a joy to play that I don't remember when the last time is that I did not have it installed.

Offline Juku121

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2024, 01:11:33 pm »
MiGs give some ability to handle cultist aircraft, but nothing really dominant, and Interceptors/Ravens can come online so soon afterwards that it's really not worth it unless you're specifically focusing your research on other topics and trying to make do in the meanwhile. And even Interceptors are so much worse than Ravens for actually chasing UFOs and not too far research-wise, so it's better to get Ravens. Thunderstorms and weapons for them can take a bit more time, so at least a few Ravens are good if you do play the air game. Which, as noted, isn't truly necessary.

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2024, 01:35:21 pm »
MiGs give some ability to handle cultist aircraft, but nothing really dominant, and Interceptors/Ravens can come online so soon afterwards that it's really not worth it unless you're specifically focusing your research on other topics and trying to make do in the meanwhile. And even Interceptors are so much worse than Ravens for actually chasing UFOs and not too far research-wise, so it's better to get Ravens. Thunderstorms and weapons for them can take a bit more time, so at least a few Ravens are good if you do play the air game. Which, as noted, isn't truly necessary.
Honestly that is what I expected to hear. And I am a bit sad as it feels balance vise that we really should get more use out of those.

Offline Empiro

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2024, 07:13:11 am »
In my current game, I've used a decent number of Interceptors. By May, I don't have any way to manufacture the alloys needed for replacing everything with Ravens, and I want to build my first Improved Lab, which takes lots of alloys. I've also used alloys for Tanks. Minigun Tanks train up Accuracy fast, and Laser Tanks make Ghost missions a cakewalk.

Interceptors can easily shoot down all of the Hybrid defense craft with little risk. It's 50/50 against alien fighters though. Those things do way too much damage.

The Mig definitely seems like it doesn't have much of a niche, because it's a straight (though expensive) shot to Interceptors. The Arrow did a good enough job against cult craft.

Offline PPQ

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2024, 07:04:48 pm »
In my current game, I've used a decent number of Interceptors. By May, I don't have any way to manufacture the alloys needed for replacing everything with Ravens, and I want to build my first Improved Lab, which takes lots of alloys. I've also used alloys for Tanks. Minigun Tanks train up Accuracy fast, and Laser Tanks make Ghost missions a cakewalk.

Interceptors can easily shoot down all of the Hybrid defense craft with little risk. It's 50/50 against alien fighters though. Those things do way too much damage.
Good point. Their niche is when you don't have alien alloys. I guess.

The Mig definitely seems like it doesn't have much of a niche, because it's a straight (though expensive) shot to Interceptors. The Arrow did a good enough job against cult craft.
Which is funny given that in real life the MIG-31 is quite literally designed to be a giant flying radar dish with long range missiles.

Offline Empiro

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2024, 07:32:56 am »
Interceptors are at least tough enough to stand toe to toe against medium and large scouts. They outrun the Hybrid Aircars and you can easily take them out in large numbers without risk of return fire.

MIGs though, seem to have tissue thin armor and will be blown up as soon as a UFO sneezes on them. They also have poor range and are pretty slow. I'm not sure there's a single UFO they can come out on top of, and they can't safely clear out Hybrid Aircars, which are a big risk to transports.

Offline PPQ

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2024, 08:30:16 pm »
Speaking of aircraft just how do you unlock the tier 2 submarine? The wiki both in game and online is circular as in the research link just leads to the unit.

Offline psavola

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2024, 09:23:45 pm »
Speaking of aircraft just how do you unlock the tier 2 submarine? The wiki both in game and online is circular as in the research link just leads to the unit.

You will get it by researching Advanced Underwater Operations. But observe that it is used only for specific missions - the small one is nonetheless used for 'old and easy' missions. This can be somewhat confusing because this is not explained anywhere in-game.

Offline PPQ

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2024, 08:05:31 pm »
Random question. How good is the Avenger as a fighter? I mean, stat vise it looks good enough to be a decent fighter. And it has a lot of weapons, better HP and really is competitive with the Tormentor in all but speed.

Offline Juku121

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2024, 09:04:08 pm »
A bit high-maintenance and inefficient to use purely as an interceptor, but has quite a few upsides:
  • Second-best Elerium fuel efficiency (but it still eats the preciousss, which is a downside).
  • The only dual-beam craft besides the Starfighter (but that means it's kinda married to Plasma Beams, and these guzzle Elerium as well - notice a theme here? :) ). Beams are also outgunned by the heaviest cannons, but still pack more DPS than same-tier missiles. And since you get two plus a missile slot, this is arguably the first- or second-heaviest armament available to any X-Com craft.
  • Global reach several times over.
  • Second or third wrt speed and acceleration, and doesn't tucker out after one flight.
  • The toughest thing you can put in the sky, with shields and evasion on top (but no electronics). Has armour, although unless I'm misunderstanding how armour works, it's not really particularly useful against anything but the lightest weapons. A good repair rate, too, unlike the OG Avenger.

You do need a lot of research and manufacturing to get it, a regular source of Elerium to use it, four pilots to fly it, more money than anything else to maintain it (but not extravagantly so). And since it's also your biggest troop transport by a giant margin, it's kind of a waste to use it as a 'mere' interceptor.

Offline Zennaris

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2024, 02:26:54 pm »
Hello. I've never really played the original game or went pass first year in the mod. I'm not sure how vehicle combat works. Is there a quick summary somewhere? I've tried to search the forum but got a Database Error.
When I choose mounted weapon in the Hangar screen I can click on the icon and it gets an asterisk in its name (like PKM / *PKM). What does it mean?
Does it matter what machine-gun I'm mounting? Like is there any difference if it's a PKM or a Minimi for example?
I see that I can mount a Rocket Launcher on my Humvee. What rockets will it use - small, big, shrapnel? Does it matter?
I blow some RD vans and cars with my Humvees, but then Dagon Chinooks appeared, and I retreated. Can I shoot them down if I mount a Rocket Launcher? I would think so, but I don't know. I'm waiting for a LITTLEBIRD at the moment.

Offline Juku121

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Re: A question on aircraft
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2024, 02:49:22 pm »
Is there a quick summary somewhere?
Not that I know of. You can check the Ufopedia, but that's not short. For the most part, it's intuitive enough.

...asterisk in its name (like PKM / *PKM). What does it mean?
Pre-disable the weapon so your craft won't use it in combat until you re-enable it, either in combat or clicking that spot again.

Does it matter what machine-gun I'm mounting? Like is there any difference if it's a PKM or a Minimi for example?
Depends. A big minigun is double the DPS of a small one, which is double again of a BO LMG.

OTOH, early craft, yours and the enemy's, are so fragile the combat is a crapshoot anyway.

I see that I can mount a Rocket Launcher on my Humvee. What rockets will it use - small, big, shrapnel? Does it matter?
Small. They cost less?

Can I shoot them down if I mount a Rocket Launcher?
Even the PKM has better DPS than the Rocket Launcher, and there's no range difference. The RL has vastly less ammo, too. So unless you're betting on alpha-striking them with quad rockets (and I think the odds are against enough of the rockets connecting for that to work), use bullet sprayers. I liked miniguns several versions ago.

Chinooks are tougher than your craft, but should be less well armed. So I'd guess you can shoot them down with anything, but there's always the chance it'll go wrong.

In general, early combat craft are either really slow or limited-range. I wouldn't bother unless the enemy tries to mess with your transports.