Posting here, because this thread seams most relevant to any discussion, request, or issue related to auto-play.
High Important Requests:
Fix auto-play hanging with user unable to disable auto-play or interact with menu when CPU 100%
I understand that auto-play will likely spike cpu or single processor/thread to 100%, but currently it's almost impossible to 'escape' to the menu or more importantly hit the keyboard keys at the right time to disable auto-play.
Recommendation: add the following features for when auto play is running:
1.) Really Important - pole the keyboard for input (meaning that even when CPU is maxed, at any time entering keys are priority) this can be done by checking for keyboard input at every loop of the auto-play logic, but also caching the keyboard input during one iteration of the auto-play logic. The Problem I'm having for example is: during auto-play with CPU at 100% I can repeatedly hit escape and get to the menu sometimes, but hitting the keyboard shortcut to enable/disable auto-play just hangs and is almost impossible to disable auto-play.
2.) Have auto-play track player unit movement... or make this an optional setting. So when the player units running on auto-play move out of the screen the screen shifts to a new location to follow the unit, or have it smoothly move the map as the player unit moves?
Lower Priority:
3.) GUI logic should take priority over the auto-play logic even when it's maxing out the CPU. For example the user should be able to move the cursor around without the screen locking or lagging? (I'm not sure how easily this could be implemented, this is more of a QoL, but not as necessary as the keyboard poling for disabling auto-play)
4.) Keyboard shortcut to rotate settings for all player soldiers to 'individually managed' for auto-play or 'all' soldiers auto-play.
Example: sometimes you want only a few specific soldiers that have been set to auto-play. scenario: I have soldiers 1,2,3,4,5. I set soldiers 1,5 as individual auto-play. hitting a specific key enables all soldiers for non-individual auto-play, and hitting that key again reverts it back to only soldiers 1,5 to run as individual auto-play when auto-play is re-enabled.