Why are you all afraid of the hybrid globe? Do you have a phobia of water? Meridian and Solarius_Scorch if you don't create this feature and apply it in all mods, then I will think that you are really afraid of a globe that is completely covered by the playing field with no spaces (there are land and water regions).
I suggest adding this function to the game (with a high priority level) "isCrashedOnSea: true" "isCrashedOnLand: false"
This function will work for UFOs in the same way as this function works for weapons "landOnly: true" When the "isCrashedOnSea" function is activated for one individual UFO, then when the UFO crashes into the ocean area, the script will work and a standard notification will appear on the screen that the UFO destroyed (or a new notification, the UFO sank/crashed), it is also possible in the opposite direction, so that the underwater UFO develops on the ground (as in the classic xcom2).
Well, that's all, this function will put an end to the conflict of the hybrid globe, it will be possible to specify a ban on use under water for everything that should never go under water (construction of a special base, separate atmospheric weapons, separate armor of soldiers and aliens, separate UFOs and xcom planes). With this function it will be possible to use the hybrid globe in any mod, even in the original xcom1 and xcom2.
Weapons can be blocked for use in the atmosphere or hydrosphere, the xcom base can be divided into underground and underwater modules, now all that remains is to add such a blocker for armor and for aviation and UFOs (in non-hybrid mods, just enter a blocker for UFOs and you can use the hybrid globe without fear drown in it

I think you will add such an idea to your to-do list, because only a stubborn ram or a lazy sloth would be against such a function, which expands the capabilities of the mod and gives the globe a beautiful look (FMP, X-FILES, TWoTS and other mega-mods, It will be great if you add these functions in the future and switch to a hybrid globe).
#Base blocker
### - override: STR_ACCESS_LIFT
### fakeUnderwater: 0
### provideBaseFunc: [LANDBASE]
### - override: STR_LIVING_QUARTERS
### fakeUnderwater: 0
### requiresBaseFunc: [LANDBASE]
### - type: STR_AIR_LOCK_SEA
### fakeUnderwater: 1
### provideBaseFunc: [SEABASE]
### fakeUnderwater: 1
### requiresBaseFunc: [SEABASE]
#Weapon blocker
### - type: STR_PISTOL
### landOnly: true
### - type: STR_HARPOON
### seaOnly: true
#Armor blocker (needs to be created)
### - type: STR_NONE_UC
#$$ isAqualang: false #example - will immediately drown underwater
#$$ isAqualang: true #example - can be used everywhere
#Or here’s another example of how armor can withstand a given level of water pressure
#$$ isAqualang: 2 #0 - not allowed under water, 1 - at shallow depths, 2 - at great depths
#Blocker for aviation (needs to be created)
### - type: STR_AVENGER
### spacecraft: true #maybe this will give permission to dive under water? (you can do this)
### allowLanding: true #can add new landing functions?
#$$ allowLandingEarth : true #example - lands on the ground
#$$ allowLandingSea: false #example - splashed down under water
#Blocker for UFOs (needs to be created)
### - type: STR_LARGE_SCOUT
#$$ isCrashedOnSea: true #example - breaks on water
#$$ isCrashedOnLand: false #example - breaks on land
P.S. Maybe it was necessary to create a separate topic for publishing this idea, as Meridian said, but I have not yet figured out how topics are created, I hope that here it is comfortable enough to consider the list of all my proposals.