
Author Topic: Alternative ufopedia armor display  (Read 863 times)

Offline Alpha Centauri Bear

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Alternative ufopedia armor display
« on: December 22, 2023, 05:46:10 pm »
Now when you adopted numbers right alignment in lists, I am thinking whether it makes sense to make this alternative display on by default?
I am NOT pushing for it and creating a global option to switch it would be a piece of cake. However, this is just a display style with:

1) Armor stats list occupies whole article height ONLY IF the info text is empty. Meaning it won't change its position for existing human armor and tanks articles leaving place for the info as it is now.
2) Stats numbers are right aligned.
3) Scrollbar is inside of the page to indicate the list has more lines below.

The #1 does not change the look of existing articles.
The #2 is already widely adopted in your mod.
The #3 is the only thing that visually changes existing articles and I can revert it to OXCE state - absolutely not important for me. I added it just for standardization purposes since ALL other lists in the game have their scrollbar visible.