Xilmi, zombies in XCF are not rushing again (aggro = 4 (zombies are Leeroys), intel = 6)
Previously, I reported this issue and you managed to return the original zombie behavior.
Something broke with few releases I skipped playing.
- all zombies on map run towards you (regardless if they see directly you or not)
- making some weird moves near your agents (chess positioning + supposed blocking of shoots, which doesn't work for zombies)
- not screaming "GRAWRRRR" as usual in any point of the map
- positioning themselves in anti-grenade pattern with strict spacings between Z's (see screenshots attached).
Turned off "anti-grenade spacing option".
Supposed behavior (can be seen if BAI is turned off):
- only zombies who see or sense you will run towards you.
- when they reach targeted agent, they stand on place and bite. Just bite, not seeking for a weaker spot.
- make GRAWRRRR scream at the beginning of their turn (each)
- don't care about crowd control. Don't care how many other Zombies are near.
SAV is attached
FYI: Current BAI build makes sense, I enjoy playing with customized units.rul file with inherited stats (both aggro & intel).
Strongly suggest to make mission-to-mission variables not only in the aggression settings, but also in intelligence (see previous message).