
What do you think of the specific incarnation of the X-Com organisation in the X-Com Files?

They're angels who do no wrong
4 (20%)
Good intentions, questionable methods
7 (35%)
Shady fellows who just happen to be right in the end
4 (20%)
Puppets of the NWO, warcrime o'clock all day every day
2 (10%)
I'm an alien
3 (15%)

Total Members Voted: 20

Author Topic: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad  (Read 3151 times)

Offline Juku121

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X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« on: June 05, 2023, 01:09:46 am »
So, in the insane and hijacked thread, it was proposed that I make a poll about X-Com the organisation as it is in the X-Com Files universe.

What do you think of our modus operandi, our reasons for what we do and do not do, our little side activities, what we do to our agents, cultists, random civilians, and hapless Sectoids?

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2023, 01:54:28 am »
X-COM = Good. Aliens = Bad. Council > Aliens. Be reminded that particular voters will be monitored and may receive job application at your local X-COM HQ, or MiB.

Offline Nerro

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2023, 04:59:54 pm »
Before answering, my question is how much does the public knows about X-COM?
At the very least, the fact that police can make the difference between my agents firing rockets and Osiron firing rockets means they can recognise X-COM as being on their side.

I need to know because when I use civilian as meat shield, I get bad evaluation from the counsil.
Is that because:
A. Dead people are harder to cover up
B. They want to be able to tell the public we are doing a good job.

Offline Juku121

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2023, 06:00:38 pm »
I doubt the public knows any more than they knew about the original X-Com, probably less.

The police are likely told that you're some sort of special SWAT unit, or important FBI/UN agents involved in an international case, or something like that.

The Council are shadow rulers of Earth, I doubt they give press conferences.

I may, of course, be wrong. But that's been my impression. Feel free to dig in the pedia and find evidence that supports or disproves any of this.

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2023, 07:04:54 pm »
X-COM is super secret. As soon as (for example) CIA "caught a whiff" of X-COM in a random event then Council is displeased as it is violating our contract, we get small score penalty and that is it.

Part of the Council that created and is funding X-COM is pro-human and anti-alien, so they want to avoid civilian casualities and actually care (most likely). Individual members responsible for each country also aren't pleased when ordinary humans on their soil die.
Proof of that is Council giving additional score for saving civilians, if they would not care, there probably wouldn't be that reward. Only a penalty for a corpse that needs to be disposed now.

Offline Blazen

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2023, 11:07:32 am »
I find the Shogg arc to be have particularly interesting parallels for X-com's morale compass.

X-com finds a new world hitherto unknown to (our) civilisation.

It's populated by cultures that are clearly intelligent, they use tools and construct buildings, but we can't communicate with them, they are technologically inferior to us, and they look different to us. So we shoot them and nick their stuff.

Later as we get more information about the place we ally ourselves with a small local ruler whom we support and put into power, we then trade them guns in exchange for them attacking other Shogg factions on our behalf. (The scorpoid palace assault and acquiring the reptoid ship)

We now have a foot hold in this new land, not controlling it directly but though a local puppet leader, whom we 'help' but could easily destroy if they don't agree to cooperate with us.

This always strikes me as being extremely similar to how the British empire grew. And as I am British this means that X-com are clearly angels who can do no wrong  8)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2023, 11:09:55 am by Blazen »

Offline Raptor29a

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2023, 08:34:39 am »
Shogg missions were interesting: In order to talk to the advanced reptiods, we had to first find a techologically weak/less faction and influence said faction to gain techology to infultrate reptiod settlements for diplomacy. I know it felt like Xcom were the Aliens/sky people/Colonizers. The Colony was only a stepping stone to influence the greater reptoid whole, which was an attempt to form an Alliance against a greater threat. (Yep sounds a lot like Britain against Spain forging Colonies and alliances.) One difference between Xcom and Britain was that the Reptiods were more advanced than the Humans. And the Reptiods were attempting to colonize Humanity through war lords. So... yea both were trying to subvert the other and instead of mutually assured destruction they formed a truce because the "Sky People" (aliens) were a bigger threat, they shouldn't be weak to. (Like russia forming a truce with britain... because Germany).
Although who can forget the Reptiods trying to command zombie hordes to offset the truce/power balance in thier favor.
I do like how in xcom files the organization can go from enemies to allied with mummies and enemies to neutral with the reptiods. (And the green shield inverse of the gold)
-Sidenote: Xcom through capturing cultists learns the motives and rational in attempt at diplomacy (but once again thier leaders, T'Leith (dagon), Golden Goddess?/my guess rogue ethereal (Black lotus), Ethereal Order? (red dawn), Hybrid brainer/MiB (Exalt).
-One last note: Xcom has had very little to no diplomacy with cyberweb/dimension-X, or ghosts/spirit cultist. (Monsters for the most part are pawns and not fully sentient). (Nor anything from hell dimension would I consider of any diplomatic value against aliens)
So report card, B- (doing good but not best)

Offline Torchwood

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2023, 06:00:28 pm »
It's moral dilemmas like these that make me prefer roleplaying in Piratez instead of Files. The pirates never had a clean slate, bootlegging, abduction, thralldom and of course rampant piracy are all parts of their existence, but they also fight against imperialist tyranny and for the downtrodden masses. Better a criminal than answering to a suit who believes the world citizen should resemble the average Redditor, and is paying fat stacks of cash to make it so.

Then again, perhaps you, as X-Com, are the only true defender humanity has left, and if you fail, a future of subjugation by aliens, rampant diseases, poverty, death and widespread radiation awaits. Yes, the imperialist action of Shogg was nasty. But before you pass judgment, remember this:

The human race has practiced true, full-fledged imperialism, as defined by satisfying the interests of nation-states at the expensive of the weaker, for a few thousand years at best. For the invaders from beyond the stars, this is but the blink of an eye. They have been pursuing imperialist ambitions for countless aeons, bent worlds beyond counting to their will. They have been playing this game long before the first caveman discovered fire, and Earth is their next target. Make no mistake, you have more in common with the nascent Zulu Nation than the British Empire, you do not get a nation addicted to Opium so Londoners can have their tea, you fight for the right to exist as a free people, and occasionally, that means engaging in brutal savagery because yours is the weaker hand, you are technologically inferior to your enemy and less experienced, and sometimes, the only way to compensate for this weakness is a mixture of grit, grim perseverance and a willingness to debase yourself more than the other.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2023, 10:08:48 pm by Torchwood »

Offline Abyss

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2023, 01:04:01 am »
I would like even more questionable methods of pursuing the goals. Like, invading countries, making orange revolutions and killing government, replacing them with impersonated agents.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Com of the XCF, good or bad
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2023, 01:10:43 pm »
It's moral dilemmas like these that make me prefer roleplaying in Piratez instead of Files. The pirates never had a clean slate, bootlegging, abduction, thralldom and of course rampant piracy are all parts of their existence, but they also fight against imperialist tyranny and for the downtrodden masses. Better a criminal than answering to a suit who believes the world citizen should resemble the average Redditor, and is paying fat stacks of cash to make it so.

Then again, perhaps you, as X-Com, are the only true defender humanity has left, and if you fail, a future of subjugation by aliens, rampant diseases, poverty, death and widespread radiation awaits. Yes, the imperialist action of Shogg was nasty. But before you pass judgment, remember this:

The human race has practiced true, full-fledged imperialism, as practiced to satisfy the interests of nation-states at the expensive of the weaker, for a few thousand years at best. For the invaders from beyond the stars, this is but the blink of an eye. They have been pursuing imperialist ambitions for countless aeons, bent worlds beyond counting to their will. They have been playing this game long before the first caveman discovered fire, and Earth is their next target. Make no mistake, you have more in common with the nascent Zulu Nation than the British Empire, you do not get a nation addicted to Opium so Londoners can have their tea, you fight for the right to exist as a free people, and occasionally, that means engaging in brutal savagery because yours is the weaker hand, you are technologically inferior to your enemy and less experienced, and sometimes, the only way to compensate for this weakness is a mixture of grit, grim perseverance and a willingness to debase yourself more than the other.

Yeah, I hear you. In fact, I'd like to give X-Com some opportunity to rebel and switch allegiance to another faction, but this would be a huge project and I don't have a clear vision on how it would work.

I would like even more questionable methods of pursuing the goals. Like, invading countries, making orange revolutions and killing government, replacing them with impersonated agents.

That is way above the X-Com grade; this is what the big factions do, and you're only an agency controlled by one of them.