Author Topic: The interaction between damageModifier, ArmorEffectiveness, and shields.  (Read 1165 times)

Offline zee_ra

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I would like to get a more precise understanding on how the damageModifier on armor and ArmorEffectiveness on a weapon interact.  The full picture would ideally include the understanding of how shields work in this setting.

I see that in XCF shields are implemented as scripts that modify the damage, and perhaps the issue of shields is not a part of the OXCE mechanics proper.  Currently it appears that shields are just scripts that run as hooks whenever an incoming damage arrives.  One of their outputs is the amount of damage to pass through to the armor.  Is that a precise perspective?

Is there a general consensus on how shields should operate?  The question of particular interest is whether their resistances (the reductions, like e.g. 0.5 HE for gold shield) should be applying to whatever damage they encounter after the shield itself is depleted?

Another question is whether the damageModifier set on an armor applies to a weapon damage with an ArmorEffectiveness not equal to 1.0?  Would the damageModifier be applied only while the armor itself is non-zero?  Would the damageModifier apply if the ArmoreEffectiveness is set to 0.0?

Let's consider a more specific example.  What would be the fraction of damage passing through the armor in the following situations:

ArmoreEffectivess = 0.0 , damageModifier = 1.0 (my guess: 100%; none of the damage would need to interact with armor)
ArmoreEffectivess = 1.0 , damageModifier = 1.0 (my guess: 0%; all of the damage would need to interact with armor)
ArmoreEffectivess = 0.0 , damageModifier = 0.0 (my guess: 0%, i.e. completely blocked)
ArmoreEffectivess = 1.0 , damageModifier = 0.0 (my guess: 0%, i.e. completely blocked)
ArmoreEffectivess = 0.5 , damageModifier = 0.5 (my guess: 25%, while the remaining 75% would need to interact with armor)

« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 01:33:13 am by zee_ra »

Offline Nord

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Is there a general consensus on how shields should operate?  The question of particular interest is whether their resistances (the reductions, like e.g. 0.5 HE for gold shield) should be applying to whatever damage they encounter after the shield itself is depleted?
It is the mod author who decide.

Another question is whether the damageModifier set on an armor applies to a weapon damage with an ArmorEffectiveness not equal to 1.0?  Would the damageModifier be applied only while the armor itself is non-zero?  Would the damageModifier apply if the ArmoreEffectiveness is set to 0.0?
No, damageModifier applies after ArmorEffectiveness check. Not connected to armor level. More like body toughness.

Let's consider a more specific example.  What would be the fraction of damage passing through the armor in the following situations:

ArmoreEffectivess = 0.0 , damageModifier = 1.0 (my guess: 100%; none of the damage would need to interact with armor)
If armor>0 then damage=0.
If armor=0 then 100% of this one damage type (e.g. laser or melee)
ArmoreEffectivess = 1.0 , damageModifier = 1.0 (my guess: 0%; all of the damage would need to interact with armor)
Damage= weapon power minus armor.
ArmoreEffectivess = 0.0 , damageModifier = 0.0 (my guess: 0%, i.e. completely blocked)
ArmoreEffectivess = 1.0 , damageModifier = 0.0 (my guess: 0%, i.e. completely blocked)
If a weapon have damageAlter with ToArmor, then armor will be damaged, but health - not.
ArmoreEffectivess = 0.5 , damageModifier = 0.5 (my guess: 25%, while the remaining 75% would need to interact with armor)
50% of weapon power interact with armor. Then 50% of passed power will be converted to health damage.
Formula: health damage=(power-armor*2)/2.