How cool would it be if grenades could be tossed around a corner or an entry way without exposing your soldier to enemy fire?
As in, object bounce physics instead of instant "whoops, all momentum is suddenly gone"? Well, yes.
Even if it was implemented, however…
1. In order to not look weird too, it should at least crudely tell the obstacles apart when deciding how elastic the collision should be, i.e. requires an extra tile property. Not that it was a big deal, but still.
2. In UFO:AI bounce physics is implemented (it’s on Quake 3 engine, after all), and it is, indeed, cool. But also, last checked this led to the following chain of events:
<hidden movement> <impact sound> <impact sound> <green flash> <alien dying sound> …more often than once per two missions. The invaders keep taking losses from devious hu-mon architecture (like street lamps). Grenade bounce is the new point-blank rocket, at least in dense terrains.