`override` and `update` work same way as `type`, only difference is when some previous loaded mod do not define given rule.
`update` if for updating optional ruleset, like when some sub mod is optional and you want integrate with it with your mod.
example would be adding script tags or new ammo to existing weapon, and one weapon from sub mod is not preset,
your mod should still load correctly (aside of some warnings).
`override` is for required ruleset, like form base mod and if it do not exists your mod make no sense any more,
like mod that improve specific weapon, it do not have sense if base mod remove given weapon.
`type` (and other similar) will stay as is, to many mods use it to make it obsolete. But good taste would be make your intend
explicit in new mods by using `new`, `override` and `update`.
for new `inherit`, there is no clear way with properties should be copied and with not, there is already one case when you
copy specific research game should fail to load as one property should be globally unique.
not mention requirement for loots of new code to handle of copying rule objects.
beside in many cases you can workaround this problem using `refNode:` that allow textual coping of yaml node with your rules inside one file.