Hmm, yeah, Brutal AI seems to be doing more than just AI these days.
Anyway, a quick fix attached until/if the submod author decides to make a separate version for BAI. No guaranteeing these will line up nicely for advanced aircraft since I only tested with Mudrangers.
Juku121, I just updated, actually a major overhaul to the Hangar Expansion Pack, and with the hopes that it will be more than just hangars, so new name is Facility Expansion Pack.
I haven't looked at the old mod in so ling I didn't debug the issues people are currently having, but if there are issues with the new mod release, then I'll work getting everything ironed out. I also haven't tested the base retaliation component of the new mod release.
FYI the current release required BRUTAL-AI, because it supports
different hangar types, I know that Meridian has on his todo list to eventually support this feature. When he does that should drop the BRUTAL-AI requirement, although I might have to makes some changes if it's implemented differently.