
Author Topic: Crazy Temple Mission  (Read 1302 times)

Offline karatewalrus

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Crazy Temple Mission
« on: December 26, 2022, 05:13:27 am »
I fought it out with the temple dudes to get the golden statue and I lost two guys in the process. Then when most of the enemies are dead I start to move in to get some more ammo from my ship and i lose a guy to that alien electric zapper dude. Then I go into the temple looking for him and he zaps two of my guys on the way in from behind cover. I can't even see him. They die. So now I got three guys and I'm going and I pick up a pistol on the ground because I don't have a weapon for one of my guys. And then my dudes start losing their freaking shit! They can't handle it anymore and they drop their weapons and start running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Two more of my guys get zapped from nowhere. Then I run back out to my ship and he's there being a major fucking tool. I take out some hi-ex but before I can arm it my dude loses his shit again. And I keep ending the turn and I keep losing all my time units. And he's on the other side of the ship shooting at me but he keeps hitting the ship because a nerdface. So I give up on the hi-ex because I only get one turn of sanity every so often and you only get half your time units back. So I take out the pistol and when I finally regain my senses I pop out and take a shot and hit him right in the dome. The next shot misses. I'm out of time units standing out in the open. I figure shit, I'm dead. And then the mission ends because he passed out and I won. Rip to Fruitcake who had 93 kills and was finally killed by a fuckyoulaserbeam from nowhere :p

Offline Mrvex

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Re: Crazy Temple Mission
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2022, 03:30:10 pm »
Gillman, their electric attack has like 200 tile range (or similarly crazy range) and does around 100 damage on hit, why this enemy with such a long range damaging attack is present in one of the starting cults is beyond  me. Its super likely to one shot whoever it hits unless you start rocking really high HP troops and with advanced armors. I absolutely hate them, the only solace i find is that their ranged attack is arced, so its possible to hide in structures or behind obstacles that would prevent the Gillman from one tapping your dude across the map because the bolt would hit the roof.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Crazy Temple Mission
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2022, 04:31:19 pm »
Gillman, their electric attack has like 200 tile range (or similarly crazy range) and does around 100 damage on hit, why this enemy with such a long range damaging attack is present in one of the starting cults is beyond  me.
Grenade launchers in the hands of agents with good stats are significantly more accurate, actually. Not as deadly, of course.

The aimed range is pretty much the default, and around 50% chance to hit with one aimed shot per turn. Nothing particularly noteworthy except for the arcing and the damage. The latter is a bit much, I agree, especially since electric resistance isn't particularly easy to come by. Arcing weapons with extreme range are a nasty surprise, too.

OTOH, Gillmen are alien terror/bioweapons leased out to the cultists. It'd be a bit strange if they weren't scary dangerous.