
Author Topic: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice  (Read 10685 times)

Offline Juku121

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2022, 06:02:08 am »
Those are commanders (not leaders), that are required for other end game stuff and i only ever manage to get one of these during a base defence, but its nice that they are, unlike their common counterparts actually marked as "Do not kill this one".
I forgot that Solarius is stingy with the circlets. Have been using those for leaders as well for almost forever.

And, well, theoretically Lab ships also carry Commanders on Superhuman. :P I actually thought commanders on base assaults was considered an exploit and 'fixed', but apparently not.

TBH, I have no idea if XCF is the same as FMP (Sectoid commanders with gold headbands). And to be even more honest, in the dark, I imagine it's nearly impossible to see that headband.
XCF does have them, you can middle-click them to see the circlets up close, and they're not that invisible (or maybe they are with the XCF palette, IDK):
« Last Edit: November 17, 2022, 06:05:15 am by Juku121 »

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2022, 12:55:04 pm »
XCF does have them, you can middle-click them to see the circlets up close, and they're not that invisible (or maybe they are with the XCF palette, IDK):

Good advice Juku thanks.
That photo you posted is pretty clear (the gold headband).

Right now seeing a lot of Floaters. just for fun, I did a supply ship last night (that was already landed) and was quite surprised by the
2 gun turrets on the second level guarding the Floater leaders control room on the second level [/spoiler ]

I just don't have the fire power to take those out yet. Need to focus now on taking out that mansion.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2022, 02:57:55 pm »
And to be even more honest, in the dark, I imagine it's nearly impossible to see that headband.

During a night mission, try pressing Ctrl+End; it cycles between normal, half-light and full light display.

Mind that the half-light and the full light displays only affect visual representation and have no influence on the game mechanics (units don't see better).

I personally prefer the half-light mode over the night vision mode, as it's easier on the eyes.

Offline Mrvex

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2022, 03:30:00 pm »
[/spoiler ]

I just don't have the fire power to take those out yet. Need to focus now on taking out that mansion.

Turrets hit insanely hard, but they are static objects, meaning its possible to get an angle from which you can lob explosives and still hit them with splash, just set the timer to 2 on something like a high explosive or dynamite, toss it as close (but without getting to LOS) to the turret and run.

The second, is more viable in places where you can actually flank them, but turrets can be defeated by agents in close quater combat, not sure how but i always picture it as agents riding on top of the turret while trying to bash its control panel with the melee weapon.

Turret itself is midly armoured, but a chunky melee weapon hit from the rear could easily destroy it in one swing, Tritanium Sword for example has the potential to one shot it when it hits but if you have something like bardiche it could do the same.
I would try the ship again, if you can get the leader, you will get the promotion 3 right there and get better gear (mainly, you will be able to mass produce the heavy tactical suit, which is almost bulletproof and will make manors much easier).

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2022, 12:41:42 am »
Turrets hit insanely hard, but they are static objects, meaning its possible to get an angle from which you can lob explosives and still hit them with splash, just set the timer to 2 on something like a high explosive or dynamite, toss it as close (but without getting to LOS) to the turret and run.

The second, is more viable in places where you can actually flank them, but turrets can be defeated by agents in close quater combat, not sure how but i always picture it as agents riding on top of the turret while trying to bash its control panel with the melee weapon.

Turret itself is midly armoured, but a chunky melee weapon hit from the rear could easily destroy it in one swing, Tritanium Sword for example has the potential to one shot it when it hits but if you have something like bardiche it could do the same.
I would try the ship again, if you can get the leader, you will get the promotion 3 right there and get better gear (mainly, you will be able to mass produce the heavy tactical suit, which is almost bulletproof and will make manors much easier).

You were spot on with all advice. I couldn't get the leader though no matter how hard I tried. He kept coming out of the control room trying to fire on me and I wasnt well prepared for the mission. I did complete it though. Lobbing high explosives at the turrets did the job.

I also did the mansion. The deed is done. Was super hard. Funny thing is, I'm not sure how i did it but the reinforcements never showed up.
They did a few times but I needed to reset because my guys were getting laid out. I had like 6 surrenders but only a maid and I believe some red dawn squads. no one worth while. Your advice is really helping me along here. thank you big time.

During a night mission, try pressing Ctrl+End; it cycles between normal, half-light and full light display.

Mind that the half-light and the full light displays only affect visual representation and have no influence on the game mechanics (units don't see better).

I personally prefer the half-light mode over the night vision mode, as it's easier on the eyes.

This is awesome. I had no idea about this. super helpful tip. big thanks.

I had another large craft mission but it turned out to be hybrids in that wooden mansion/castle structure.
That large golden drone was like I've never seen before. I got sliced up bad.

So many awesome surprises in this game. I love FMP but stayed away from XCF due to it's dark missions. But now I fully understand it is part of the story line and I absolutely love it. It's a brilliant piece of work. So impressed with all of it.
Decided to hold off on that mission for another day  :D

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2022, 05:00:50 pm »
The second, is more viable in places where you can actually flank them, but turrets can be defeated by agents in close quater combat, not sure how but i always picture it as agents riding on top of the turret while trying to bash its control panel with the melee weapon.

Exactly how I picture it. :D

This is awesome. I had no idea about this. super helpful tip. big thanks.

You're welcome!

I'm not sure if this feature is supposed to be "official" or more like dev tool, but if it's the former, I wish it was more well known. Even though it competes with the night vision feature, which in itself is very nice and I'm kind of sad for its sake. ;)

Offline Mrvex

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2022, 06:01:03 pm »
So how does the rest of your tech tree doing now ?
Got Dragonfly already ?
Did the heavy armor proved its worth ? With promotion 3, you will be able to mass make them yourself in workshop, even better, given you captures a ship, that means you got alien alloy, which means you will be able to make the blue version.
Now, given you dont have it unlocked (you cannot inspect its stats yet), take a look at the shopping list of resistances on this thing and why you want it ASAP:

Dont get comfortable, you are still against the time, the aliens are quite lenient at the start of the invasion.  Once you get promotion 3, you should wrestle the control of the skies and map out where all the cult mannors are (And also you should take out all the remaining cults)so you can actually "save them up" as "emergency food" when something awful happens and you cant do anything about it, like terror mission, that if you were to attend, everyone you send would get slaughtered by enemies way ahead of what you can chew off.

So when you are negative 1500 points in debt, you still have missions where you can make it all back and keep going.

Getting to promotion 3 (by getting a leader, deep one, cyberweb portal or hidden caves) is pretty much THE test for XCOM. Once you get behind that, things will slowly start rolling downhill...for aliens.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 06:04:04 pm by Mrvex »

Offline AmanitaVerna

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2022, 11:56:24 pm »
I'm not sure if this feature is supposed to be "official" or more like dev tool, but if it's the former, I wish it was more well known. Even though it competes with the night vision feature, which in itself is very nice and I'm kind of sad for its sake. ;)
They're usable without a keyboard (like on Android) too if you go into the advanced game options and turn on "extended links." That adds buttons to the UI which let you access both, among other things. (The in-game tech tree accessible from the geoscape is also quite useful)

Offline Charly1

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2022, 03:49:49 am »
... Once you get behind that, things will slowly start rolling downhill...for aliens.

I never understood if "downhill" is a good or a bad thing.

Obviously uphill is always struggle... Especially if you are trying to skate.

Offline Mrvex

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2022, 12:30:15 pm »
I never understood if "downhill" is a good or a bad thing.

Obviously uphill is always struggle... Especially if you are trying to skate.
Once you start rolling downhill and start picking up velocity, its going to be harder and harder to stop.
In game, once XCOMs tech advantages start piling up, it becomes harder and harder for aliens to stop you, hence it goes downhill for their Earth domination scheme.

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2022, 01:28:42 pm »

You're welcome!

I'm not sure if this feature is supposed to be "official" or more like dev tool, but if it's the former, I wish it was more well known. Even though it competes with the night vision feature, which in itself is very nice and I'm kind of sad for its sake. ;)

This has improved my playing experience 50% easily for night missions. Toggling CNTL+End 1 or 2 times gives different light shading. I love life right now.

One oddity is if using Scroll lock for night missions, you can save that setting in Missions saves (It reloads with night vision on).

However CNTL+End does not remain saved when reloading mission saves.

But not complaining. This works amazing.

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2022, 01:40:37 pm »
So how does the rest of your tech tree doing now ?
Got Dragonfly already ?
Did the heavy armor proved its worth ? With promotion 3, you will be able to mass make them yourself in workshop, even better, given you captures a ship, that means you got alien alloy, which means you will be able to make the blue version.
Now, given you dont have it unlocked (you cannot inspect its stats yet), take a look at the shopping list of resistances on this thing and why you want it ASAP:

Dont get comfortable, you are still against the time, the aliens are quite lenient at the start of the invasion.  Once you get promotion 3, you should wrestle the control of the skies and map out where all the cult mannors are (And also you should take out all the remaining cults)so you can actually "save them up" as "emergency food" when something awful happens and you cant do anything about it, like terror mission, that if you were to attend, everyone you send would get slaughtered by enemies way ahead of what you can chew off.

So when you are negative 1500 points in debt, you still have missions where you can make it all back and keep going.

Getting to promotion 3 (by getting a leader, deep one, cyberweb portal or hidden caves) is pretty much THE test for XCOM. Once you get behind that, things will slowly start rolling downhill...for aliens.

Oh man, It's tough bro :-)

I did get the dragonfly. Love it. Gives some cover for missions vs standing outside a helicopter waiting to be picked off.

I've already caught a couple alien leaders but I can't keep them, I don't have alien containment yet. Supper downer there but it is what it is.
I was able to change the research scores in the text editor to get me another month because I have alien bases popping up and no way to get to them except with a van. No way can I roll in there with 4 guys and beat that.

I blame myself for not researching the right things. And also not creating a second base sooner. to allow for more research. I have 25+ items to research and only 20 scientists. I'm falling behind.

Will probably have to restart at some point and take what I've learned and apply it to a new game. But again, I'm just worried of failing again. This game is hard, very difficult. FMP is much more forgiving than XCF. But I love the challenge.

That armor looks amazing. I need to unlock that hopefully soon.

I'm grateful to still be playing though. If it weren't for you, my game would be over. Big thanks again Mrvex.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2022, 01:43:12 pm by Chuckebaby »

Offline AmanitaVerna

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2022, 04:06:46 pm »
Knowing what research you want to prioritize will help you massively when you do decide to restart.

Offline Charly1

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #28 on: November 20, 2022, 03:10:09 am »

I did get the dragonfly. Love it. Gives some cover for missions vs standing outside a helicopter waiting to be picked off.

I dunno... I prefer starting outside in most missions.

1.  Its less effort deploying
2.  You dont get shot coming down the ramp
3.  Your dont have to worry about where to deploy your best guys
4.  You can usually gun down everyone close up on the first turn.
5.  You can GTFO if you are overwhelmed without having to reboard the ship

Obviously some missions will be better with more guys, And it relies on your troops being able to shoot straight on turn one.

Offline AmanitaVerna

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Re: I messed up somewhere and looking for advice
« Reply #29 on: November 20, 2022, 07:53:19 am »
Both have their merits, to be sure. I like how when you go out the ground-level door of the Sentinel, you have cover and are blocked from sight on three sides. But for vehicles with ramps, I prefer to unload a tank first so it can draw fire.