Author Topic: [SUGGESTION]Custom Hangar/Craft types  (Read 13822 times)

Offline Flaubert

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Re: [SUGGESTION]Custom Hangar/Craft types
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2025, 05:57:16 pm »
Great!! Probably it would give maximum versatility though a little more tedious to manage by players.

Do you think a "uniqueID-perBase" should be given to hangars , to make easier the task for the player? Similar to "whole-game" uniqueIds per soldiers or crafts. Not essential for feature but it would be easier for players to know they're allocating "CraftX" -e.g. "Submarine1" in "BaseZ.HangarTypeA.NumberY" -e.g. "Base Penguin- SubmarinePen-2" -than just show a list of "actually-free-allowed" hangar/slots, with no identification.  Though the last could work, it would be more confusing for players IMHO.

It could be implemented in a similar fashion that uniqueIDs -"STR_SOLDIER: N" "STR_CRAFT: M"- but with similar entries per base definition.

Thanks for your work!