If it can still go down in time, the better but it is playable that way.
The 1st turn is always the longest, as from the 2nd turn there are some units that have been killed already, lowering the turn time.
This is a very difficult mission in normal condition : you're outnumbered and outgunned and enemies are flyiers so they can see your troops mostly everywhere and flyiers usually have higher dodge capacity so you will mostly miss a lot of your shots while they will not. Some enemies have also access to some shielding that your units don't.
But the feeling of enemies being near bullet proof while your troops die super fast comes from the level of difficulty:
Something to note is that 40K (and Rosigma) replace the original game difficulty selection by factions (so you can play with Space Marines, Sister of Battle, Inquisition, Imperial Guards, Arbites, etc... that have their own troops, facilities, weapons and vehicles, it's a very cool way to add a lot to the replay value)
And then the mod will assign a level of difficulty to your current game somewhere in the ruleset.
By example i am playing with the Space Marine faction, and in the ruleset it is forced to use the difficulty that is equal to Veteran in the normal game (that's the 3rd difficulty level, so if you're not an expert in the game mechanics, that's indeed very hard)
Additionally there's a sniper/spotter functionality that is described there and is running in 40k+Rosigma :
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5679.0.htmlthat basically make sure the AI has some kind of maphack so it can shoot at you from beyond your view (this functionality is not used in default OXCE UFO and TFTD, it's for modder and nearly every mod use it and i guess with BrutalAI enabled it must probably make it hell for the player).
But for that 40k+Rosigma mod, there's a way to lessen the difficulty by using a minimod so you can lower or increase (there are some masochists i guess
) the difficulty if it's too hard or too easy for you:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10802.0.htmlOn lower difficulty you'll notice the enemy is much less bullet proof and will die as much as your units die, it actually feel more balanced.
To me it's much more enjoyable by slightly lowering the difficulty that way, but to each their own. By example that hard mission is winnable on a lower difficulty (i did) .
There are some more minimods i posted in the 40K board to remove some features (the removal of that RNG dodging, the removal of those enemy transforming into new enemies on death that transform again into another enemy on death...) and can help to bring down the difficulty of the mod if it's still too hard.