thanks guys,
that is far form done, i have only started of course it has taken me almost a day to do it

like i said i am just learning,
looks good, but the occipital bone seems to be a bit too big? idk, maybe it's just the lack of a mandible that's throwing me off here.
yes it looks a bit off since it is not an actual front view

is a 45 degree top view, i just wanted to see the proportion of the eyes to the skull, and it looks about right (based on my knowledge of Grays anatomy), furthermore they have psi capabilities, we need to put them somewhere

, and yes is missing the jaw bone, i was looking to do a tiny mandible with useless teeth, basically a remnant of some ancient history (hint hint)
It need to be more stylish and not 3D to fit project.
That would be my next project once i learn modeling fairly well
also, it looks like some of your smoothing groups are a bit messed up, i'd highly suggest researching what this means and how it works if you're unfamiliar. proper smoothing groups are the difference between a professional looking result and something that "looks odd"
lol yes i know what it means, there is no smoothing applied to this render, is basically what i did and just render, as soon as i am "satisfied" with a full skull i will do the final touch ups. (actually my bad i had done smoothing as an early modifier and completely forgot about it, i just checked all the modifiers

But really thanks for the input.