I'm trying to use
oxceTogglePersonalLightType: 2
oxceToggleBrightnessType: 2
oxceToggleNightVisionType: 2
And with these settings I want all the night missions (globalshade > maxDarknessToSeeUnits) to start with personal lights off and night vision / toggle brightness on, while all the day missions (globalshade <= maxDarknessToSeeUnits) to start with night vision / toggle brightness off.
But, let me think...
Personal lights aren't a problem in day missions, so we can ignore those.
I also don't really use Night Vision (I set oxceAutoNightVisionThreshold to 15), so that's actually not a problem. For people who use Night Vision, as you said, oxceAutoNightVisionThreshold could technically solve it (unless that setting is removed).
Toggle Brightness, in night missions would persist ok, but in day missions... well, in those, brightness makes little difference, but still, there is a difference. Even with globalshade=0, buildings and walls still leave some small shadows I think, and brightness removes those, which is visually a bit detrimental. I guess what I was proposing was that, for the game to determine if it's night, it could do a globalshade > oxceAutoNightVisionThreshold comparison and only process the toggle brightness setting if so... wait, that would never work because night vision would override the brightness then.
Well, nevermind, I think it works fine then. The lights and toggle brightness is remembered, so as far as I'm concerned, shit's lookin' good.
This last fix, if autoNV turns NV on, then it doesn't get saved, right? That's good, because you wouldn't want it to keep turning NV on, and then persisting it through subsequent missions.