The manual installation worked without issue.
Is a covert op battle the result of a "failed" covert op?
Covert operation can have 2 outcomes - success and a failure (actually, there could be also a critical failure, but it just the worst case of a failure). Each outcome can have the own set of outcomes - items, research projects unlocking, events, missions, spawned on battlescape, or instant battlescape scenario. Each covert operation have own setup, and I often mix it together. For instance, the first operation - Chasing MIB ends with the battle in all cases, it only matter the difficulty. Some operations can have battlescape outcome as an option, for instance - they can lead you to MIB trap, if you are unlucky. So it depends, really.
What does the silent trait some weapons have mean? Are there missions that require silent weapons, or are enemies able to hear in this altered engine?
Yeah, I have stealth mechanic coded. Some missions are critical to it, as enemies can rise alarm on spotting you infiltrating the map. If anything - not only sound is taken into account

Is it intentional that the Resistance will buy spare parts and chemicals at higher price than you can manufacture them at?
It was intended that you can have small business.
I don't want my opinions and "propositions" to be treated as "demands", its entirely a feedback
Oh, please, guys, don't be shy! =) I knew what I was doing, launching a big project. Actually, managing IT project is something like what I'm doing as a main job, so I feel myself confident with users feedback. I think I quite prepared to any PR, from propositions to a bluster

The only thing that makes me sad for now is stupid suggestion, I feel like some people don't even try to think for a bit before throwing stuff. That looks like disrespect to me.
No matter the form, clever ideas are taken into the account, not matter how they were expressed - like a "propositions", or like a "demands"

In any case, I know how to operate with backlog (tho, I tend to feature creep), and what product vision is.
Now, to makeshift. I call that early manufacturing "junkyard tinkering". This idea is not very developed currently, but I'm looking forward to accumulating more wild ideas about it. See, X-Com engineers are actually smart guys, so I'd rather add some "toys" like rocket glove, or electrical arrows. I am highlighting it with "inventing system" (not actually a new mechanic, but just set of event scripts), where you do not perform boring research project, but new blueprint just being randomly invented (if some conditions are met, OFC).
About firearms - maybe it's just me, but I really don't feel that even with the simple workshop we can build now you can create more or less fine firearms (even civilian tier), it is a very specific production. Throwing knife, sword manufacturing - sure, worth making. Probably only the most primitive, something like starting Piratez guns...
What about DIY gun, that can fire just a single time, without even ability to recharge (or taking nearly full turn to do so)?

About armor - again, I do have a crafted armor set, it's just not a super early game thing. I have more armor ideas to be implemented. And we have shield, that will get improvement soon regarding! There was a cool idea suggested how to make its tanky sector more wide, so it will be a lot more handy.