I can't find the ruleset for soldiers/new recruits. I know I've seen it before but that was many years ago. I need the command path to figure out how to find it.
Maybe I need to be doing it in Xcom? Or openxcom? or Openxcom extended?
I don't want a supersoldier cheat mod. I like my soldiers gradually getting better, but I just want them to start with a bit higher minimum scores. Seriously, soldiers with 21 str; most real life troops carry around 80 pounds of gear.
I have idea of thestats, thanks to finding a post by the_third_curry.
Thank you for any help.
From the_third_curry
There's a pretty easy way to change the stats of incoming soldiers without a mod; you can easily edit the ruleset to get better soldiers. Just look for this section here in the ruleset:
- type: XCOM
tu: 50
stamina: 40
health: 25
bravery: 10
reactions: 30
firing: 40
throwing: 50
strength: 20
psiStrength: 0
psiSkill: 0
melee: 20
tu: 60
stamina: 70
health: 40
bravery: 60
reactions: 60
firing: 70
throwing: 80
strength: 40
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 16
melee: 40
tu: 80
stamina: 100
health: 60
bravery: 100
reactions: 100
firing: 120
throwing: 120
strength: 70
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 100
melee: 120
armor: STR_NONE_UC
standHeight: 22
kneelHeight: 14
genderRatio: [3, 1]