Author Topic: X-Chronicles resource review  (Read 14689 times)

Offline Hobbes

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X-Chronicles resource review
« on: January 14, 2022, 05:23:28 pm »

You're using terrain files from my mods Terrain Pack and Area 51 without permission from me, the author, who you didn't even bother to give proper credit.

Those include:
NATIVEURBAN and all the adaptations

Please remove these and any other unauthorized files/terrains from the mentioned mods from your mod. Failure to do so will result in this mod being reported.

This is not negotiable.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 05:35:58 pm by Hobbes »

Offline Nord

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2022, 07:03:18 pm »

You're using terrain files from my mods Terrain Pack and Area 51 without permission from me, the author, who you didn't even bother to give proper credit.
Please remove these and any other unauthorized files/terrains from the mentioned mods from your mod. Failure to do so will result in this mod being reported.

This is not negotiable.

Thank you.

Emm... I use many resources, developed by other people. Most of tem i prefer to modify, to make them match my setting. And by now i cant really say which of them are modified, and which are not.
I will compare these maps and change those which are completely equal to your version. If you insist... I think it is strange to get nervous about such things. Many modders use my resources in their mods and i am completely calm about this.
 By the way, how deep should i modify these maps? 1 pixel? 1 tile? 10 tiles? 50 tiles? No matching tileparts? :-D

Upd: where to get original files to compare? I take your terrains from some mod out of 2018. Is it normal, or should i use newer version to compare?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 07:11:30 pm by Nord »

Offline Ethereal

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2022, 07:08:26 pm »

You're using terrain files from my mods Terrain Pack and Area 51 without permission from me, the author, who you didn't even bother to give proper credit.

Back off! There is no commercial distribution and it does not cause any damage to you. But the damage to the community that you cause with your nit-picking cannot be compensated for by anything.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2022, 07:53:50 pm »
Upd: where to get original files to compare? I take your terrains from some mod out of 2018. Is it normal, or should i use newer version to compare?

From what I seen you seem to be using XCF/XPZ versions, which I and Solar spent 4 years endlessly fixing and upgrading (like fixing all that fireproof 255-armor grass, replacing wrong loftemps, correcting shapes so mapgen doesn't strand you on an island, removing spawns for large units from inside of small houses, adding nodes so there's more than 3 per 20x20 map, adding new maps etc, etc.) before Hobbes put a kibosh on them. In any case, Hobbes' claims of him owning TFTD and UFO2000 textures nonwithstanding, I'd recommend replacing them with CMP's and Bulletdesigner's maps because they're less buggy, better looking and better designed.

Offline Nord

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2022, 09:21:43 pm »
From what I seen you seem to be using XCF/XPZ versions, which I and Solar spent 4 years endlessly fixing and upgrading...
Exactly what i am talking about.
I'd recommend replacing them with CMP's and Bulletdesigner's maps because they're less buggy, better looking and better designed.
I have'nt looked at them for a long time, maybe there is something useful, thanks.

Offline Hobbes

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2022, 02:25:42 am »
Back off! There is no commercial distribution and it does not cause any damage to you. But the damage to the community that you cause with your nit-picking cannot be compensated for by anything.

You guys want to keep using original work without permission or even crediting the author, and ignoring this post, it's your time that you're wasting. Because it will be taken down.

Offline Hobbes

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2022, 03:01:47 am »
In any case, Hobbes' claims of him owning TFTD and UFO2000 textures nonwithstanding, I'd recommend replacing them with CMP's and Bulletdesigner's maps because they're less buggy, better looking and better designed.

Btw, the POLISURBAN .MAP/.RMP files that you still have on Piratez, they're mine since I created them for UFO2000 and I adapted them to OXC by me adding the .RMP files, which you apparently don't know that are required for the AI.

And the same for the URBANJUNK00-45 .MAP/.RMP, since they were originally taken from my NATIVE terrain -  you may be using different tilesets, but the layout of the .MAP files and the AI nodes on the .RMP files necessary for the map to work, they're all my work.

Feel free to create your own maps with your own layout and the routes used by the AI, though.

Offline Ethereal

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2022, 04:19:10 am »
You guys want to keep using original work without permission or even crediting the author, and ignoring this post, it's your time that you're wasting.

Who would say! By trying to appropriate TFTD content, you yourself are violating the copyright of the creators of the original game.

Because it will be taken down.

The only thing you're going to achieve is that openxcom's modding will go underground and become completely uncontrolled and move to other resources. If the local administration does not understand this, then I feel sorry for her and the entire project.

Offline Hobbes

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2022, 05:17:50 am »
I'm done with this conversation because I'm not here to spam Nord's mod thread with a pointless discussion.

Nord, please feel free to delete my posts after you remove the unauthorized content. And sorry for the spam because I should messaged you directly.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 05:57:10 am by Hobbes »

Offline Nord

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2022, 08:37:40 am »
Nord, please feel free to delete my posts after you remove the unauthorized content. And sorry for the spam because I should messaged you directly.
Yo still not answered my question, though.

Offline Meridian

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2022, 09:24:12 am »
Discussion was extracted into a separate thread.

Offline Meridian

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2022, 09:49:51 am »
If the local administration does not understand this, then I feel sorry for her and the entire project.

The administrators have already issued an official statement.
You can read it here:,7614.msg119992.html#msg119992
OXC and OXCE devs all agree on this.

TLDR: we are definitely not going to take sides


Personal opinions from Meridian that may not represent the views of any other OpenXcom contributor follow:

If you use even a single cabbage sprite from the original UFO resources or a single pipe sprite from the original TFTD resources, your content is NOT original. That applies to Dioxine, to Ethereal and to Hobbes alike. For me, you are all the same. Only work of robin and similar authors, that have done every single pixel themselves counts as original. Feel free to argue about it as much as you want here, as long as you follow the forum rules. Meridian out.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 10:27:06 am by Meridian »

Offline Finnik

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2022, 10:10:14 am »
My personal opinion here, is that either your content is licensed ( is a good example, but not the only) or not. If it is not - it is on public domain. Once I've downloaded some content from internet, I have to have a license contract with it. For example, EVERY code file on OpenXcom has this at the beginning:
Code: [Select]
 * Copyright 2010-2021 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <>.

Thus, I am aware of rules about using, adapting and distributing this content. If there is no license with your files, and you post it to the internet - there are no rules about it.

Sorry to say, but I think it is your fault @Hobbes, you should attach license together with files, if you want people to follow the rules, but not start all this after years of your content being in public domain...

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2022, 11:57:17 am »
Btw, the POLISURBAN .MAP/.RMP files that you still have on Piratez, they're mine since I created them for UFO2000 and I adapted them to OXC by me adding the .RMP files, which you apparently don't know that are required for the AI.

And the same for the URBANJUNK00-45 .MAP/.RMP, since they were originally taken from my NATIVE terrain -  you may be using different tilesets, but the layout of the .MAP files and the AI nodes on the .RMP files necessary for the map to work, they're all my work.

Feel free to create your own maps with your own layout and the routes used by the AI, though.

I don't know about POLISURBAN, but URBANJUNK was made by entirely by me over the course of many weeks. Yes, it's inspired by NATIVE, but most definitely it's not NATIVE. These terrains shouldn't share even a single AI node, nor a single wall. The overall concept is also quite different.

I am mentioning this because I am also using this terrain in the X-Com Files, and as a modder, I removed all your terrains at your request years ago, so I don't appreciate false accusations. I hope it was a simple mistake.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: X-Chronicles resource review
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2022, 05:40:49 pm »
Yes I'm using some POLISURBAN mapblocks... in different terrains and with different tilesets, and modified RMPs. Like Nord said, how many walls, exactly, have to be changed to satisfy Hobbes?

But to be more serious: Meridian is exactly right in his private opinion. I have removed most of the stuff Hobbes asked me to not because he had any legal or moral right to demand it (after making it all public domain several years prior - hell as Meridian points out, he COULD NOT claim them as his own because they use copyrighted assets), but because I choose to do so to avoid escalating the conflict (and frankly, because a person who behaves like him doesn't deserve to have his legacy propagated, preserved and cherished by other modders and their players). Someone could even think it was all bait-and-switch - make maps, have modders use and improve them, and years later claim them back as your own and forbid use. I don't think so, but I do think it's harassment.

Hobbes himself, before this issue came about and we had normal relations, bragged to me about "stealing" my ideas and putting them in his Battletech mods. Is idea and lore any more or less original work as map or texture?