Figured I'd catalogue a stupid playthrough idea. If anyone wants to grab a peasant and give them a goal or shout out ideas let me know
Restrictions: No Ubers, no SS
Difficulty: Jack sparrow (because YOLO)
Goal: Make as much money as possible before retiring this life of misery. Or global domination. Fuck mars (no x-prison means no higher studies, peasant zubrin is too silly for me)
Attempts 1 and 2 were a complete failure, so here's attempt 3 so far
January Summary:
-Fired those worthless mutants
-Sold a bunch of junk, got rid of security corridors, spammin dem burrows
-Bought peasants dogs, shotguns and bows
-No additional brainers
-Got rid of bus and radar end of month, bought expeditions
Research roughly:
->Bounty Hunting
-Fire walk with me (current)
(Various infamy research along the way (honor, 1 nurse, fugutive search orders, dr. x))
-Nurses #1: 1 death, 0 captures, just barely got them on the third touchdown
-(Failed) Medium civilian shipping: 2 deaths to a bad embark in daytime, GTFO
-(Skipped) Temple raid
-Death and taxes: 1 death, 0 captures:
-Nurses #2: 0 death, 0 captures
-(failed) Red Lantern:2 deaths, killed a half dozen guys and realized it was just too risky and bailed
-Nurses #3: 0 deaths, 2 captures!!!
-Watchtower: 0 deaths, 0 captures, First expedition.
-(Skipped) Pogrom
-(failed) Distress signal (dogs couldn't see the enemy, so it was probably catgirls, fuck that shit, bailed immediately.
Goals: get trucks, camouflage, named dogs, merchants???, bikes???, lokknars???, monster hunt??? PUMP DAT GROG
Notes so far: So far strategy has been pretty simple. Cower in utter fear with shotguns around embark and throw molotovs to see in the dark. Feels a lot lot xcom and electroflares. Fire immediately on turn 1 if they're close because the alternative is worse. Don't get cocky.
Looted a bunch of varmint rifles so I think I'm good for carbines, high accuracy will help a bunch.
Peasants are so pathetic, my best shooter fired a gothic raygun at 30% so I sold it. I ended up with a surprsing 1500+ despite the utter failures, helps to know the early game infamy researches I guess, but february's going to be a mess probably.
Also just realized I probably got some peasants killed cause they were wearing shepherd. Not the brightest armor choice. But this takes some getting used to.
Not really sure how I'll be able to handle infiltrations since peasants can't fire a pistol for crap, though.
Some pretty pictures:
Dog go bark, gun go shoot
KILL THEM ALL AND TAKE THEIR SHITCheck out my sexy priestess. Look at those wonderful stats
Attempt #3 going strong