
Author Topic: So, What's -Your- Excuse?  (Read 4139 times)

Offline Spiralize

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So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:40:26 pm »
When you finish the Share Alien Gardens Tech research,
your military envoy asks you how you're going to explain your decision to help proliferate alien chemical weapons to the council...

So let's hear it, what are you going to tell them?

Offline Mr. Mister

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 09:47:28 pm »
They're only alien until we appropiate where they are from.

Offline vadracas

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 10:50:10 pm »
What's so bad about alien tech in the first place. If we modify it, it can become ours instead.

Offline Mrvex

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2020, 01:12:59 am »
"We can do what we want with artifacts our agents retrieved, there is no point in hiding these technologies, if we dont leak them, the Men in Black, will, in unregulated amounts, to highest bidder. The Men in Black some of you help to finance. Ignorance damms progress and these gardens will expand humanities knowledge of bioweapons by decades and it doesn't truly matter that you found us out, one way or other these gardens will get to the secret syndicates and terrorist organisations, we wont just stockpile it, we dont have space for it, we dont have armies to arm them with bioweapons and we cannot leave these gardens there, if we wont retrieve them, someone else will so you shouldn't be as angry at us, blame the game, not the player".

* Addendum - Also because the general public is/will be aware of these chemicals being widespread, humanity can also create medicine directly made to counter these chemicals so when aliens use them on innocents, we wont have to stand aside and watch victims melt in to a puddle.

Offline Bobit

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2020, 01:29:45 am »
is only game, y u heff to be mad?

Offline vadracas

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2020, 02:36:06 am »
is only game, y u heff to be mad?

Who's mad? I thought we were all posting our reasons...

Offline Bobit

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2020, 02:39:49 am »
The military envoy, apparently

Offline Alazar

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2020, 05:09:23 pm »
When you finish the Share Alien Gardens Tech research,
your military envoy asks you how you're going to explain your decision to help proliferate alien chemical weapons to the council...

So let's hear it, what are you going to tell them?
After I get to certain point in game and have like 3-4 manufacturing bases which provide more money than greedy, needy, whiny Council.
I'ma be like: "We are in a state of war with forces you all are god damn aware of and even collaborate with by supporting MiB. I would order to execute those who collaborate with aliens for treason against humanity if I knew who they are. I dont need you all breathing down my neck, criticising every action I make or dont to protect OUR planet, OUR home, OUR EARTH! If you think I need to explain you anything, you are gravely mistaking, it is you who needs to explain me why you hinder the development of OUR race, how many more times must I see police officers, soldiers, pilots and seamen die in hopeless battles against the invaders only because YOU, dear council, forbid X-Com to share technologies to fight those invaders, caring only about saving you sorry asses, moneybags and seat of power. If we lose here, our planet and our race are done for. From all the interrogations my scientists did, I know that this is a war till extinction, ours or theirs, so dont fool yourselves with petty dreams that you could parlay or even strike a deal with aliens, you are just an unfinished stake of meat in their eyes. I have nothing to say to you, as well as you have no rights to judge me."
« Last Edit: April 15, 2020, 07:58:21 pm by Alazar »

Offline TheCurse

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Re: So, What's -Your- Excuse?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2020, 05:26:01 pm »
Don't like it? Well you just try and stop me... ^^