It’s been an issue I’ve noticed since I first started playing OpenXCOM, using a Windows 7 PC and an ordinary 1080p monitor. When I replaced my monitor with a different ordinary 1080p monitor last year, it didn’t fix it. I tried running OpenXCOM on my CRT monitor, thinking it might be like Doom and target a weird value that doesn’t convert to 60fps easily due to the games’ age, but it didn’t fix it either, it lessened the screentearing but it still happened.
However, I noticed today that since I started playing with the absolutely beautiful CRT Filter OpenXCOM provides, I haven’t seen any tearing.
Is it perhaps due to a framerate imbalance due to the original games targeting an unusual value, which is resolved when OpenGL is enabled to activate the filters?
I don’t have any footage myself of the screentearing, but it is very obvious in the Lewis & Ben Save the World live-streams, especially the TFTD ones, if you need an example.