
Author Topic: Crash on startup - can't load TFTD  (Read 2469 times)

Offline endersblade

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Crash on startup - can't load TFTD
« on: August 06, 2019, 04:53:10 am »
I recently decided to fire this up again, playing TFTD.  I hadn't installed the most recent Nightly in several months.  After launching, it tells me it can't load TFTD, says there's something wrong with "standard\xcom2/vars.rul" and that it has more details in a log file.  Log file just says the same exact thing, no further details.

So I installed the latest (08/03/19) Nightly.  Game ran just fine, played for hours.  However, just now I tried launching it again and got the same exact error message.  So I reinstalled the Nightly, and it worked just fine.  Rebooted my machine, launched the game again...and got the same error.  So basically at this point I have to reinstall the Nightly EVERY TIME I want to play!

I'm not using any mods on TFTD other than the ones built in.  What's going on, and how do I fix this?  I really don't care if I lose my save, I just want this FIXED.

Offline R1dO

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Re: Crash on startup - can't load TFTD
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 12:52:02 pm »
First thing that comes to mind, where did you install openxcom?
Since it sounds a bit like your user folder is on some sort of cloud storage backed drive (Microsoft onedrive ?).

Also please include your log even if it does not say much to you, others might be able to tell more from it. Even if it does not provide us with useful info at least we have a better starting point for asking follow-up questions.

Offline endersblade

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Re: Crash on startup - can't load TFTD
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2019, 03:09:52 am »
Just got home from work and booted it up, seems to work now...unfortunately launching it removed the previous .log file.  I'll post here if it happens again.