There's a fun way you can already play night vision games in openxcom. If your soldiers are dressed in night ops armor which turns off their personal lights, and their ability to see the aliens is only a bit worse than the aliens' ability to see your soldiers, then you can play the following strategy: move in the dark with flares or incendiary weapons. Set lighting at strategic locations in order to highlight aliens while keeping your own soldiers under cover of darkness. Then also be ready to snuff out lights you no longer want, such as with explosives, or perhaps you can deploy smoke to areas for cover even when there is light.
The smaller the advantage the aliens have over your soldiers at night, the easier it is to play this strategy, but it can potentially work even at very strong differences--as long as the map is large enough that it's possible to be deep enough in the dark to not be seen. If aliens' night vision is excessively large, the strategy does not work. On the other hand if your soldiers can see better in the dark than the aliens can, then it's usually just better to advance on them without creating light.
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Another trick you can do is make a toggle-able light source on the map. You can set a lamp which emits light to change into a lamp which doesn't emit light when destroyed, and the dark lamp can turn into the lit lamp when it is destroyed. This way, you can shoot the lamp to change its light status.