Welcome too my second attempt at the Xeno Operations mod by XOps! Join XCOM against the never ending battle against the evil Xeno's! Some backstory: In 1998 alien sightings skyrocket and the UN realizing that the Praetors might be responsible, the UN activates the long dormant XCOM Contingency With roots founded by the Xenonauts. Some notes: Sooooo... This is my second attempt at a let's play! (This time I'm not going to break as many rules!), I's going too be Non-Ironman and also Superhuman, soooo....
Some Story Notes:
Welcome Aircadets! You've been hired too be a/an XCOM too be a pilot, however you will not need any hands on experience during your stay here. As the aircraft provided by the USAF have been modified too be able to be remotely piloted. THIS TECHNOLOGY IS DECADES AHEAD OF IT'S TIME, YOUR EMPLOYERS ARE LYING TOO YOU, WE HAVE HAD CONTACT WITH EXTRATERRESTRIALS BEFORE! The X-35 has also been modularised too fit any XCOMtrademark Air craft weaponry. The SR-71 has also been modified too have a larger rad- THERE IS NOT WAY THAT XCOM HAS ACCESS TOO RADARS THAT CAN SCAN HALF A CONTINENT IN A RECON AIRCRAFT- *Door smashes open* - RĘCE DO GÓRY! - DO NOT BELIEVE THIER LIES- *Gunshot Noises* - ARRGGHHH, REMEMBER 4/23/1953! - *Noise of collapse* - And that is the full extent of your training, now do your planet proud!
Any who be sure too post names of future soldiers, so I don't have too name everyone Placeholder! There are a few classes: Riflemen, Marksmen, Heavy Weapons, Scout and Shotgunner. If I do not reach at least 8 names (matching the classes listed below) then I will not be able too continue
Edit: I did not contact discord directly this time (I linked this page but didn't ask them), because I didn't want too double post.
Edit: I am also using Alien Pick Up Weapons, TFTD Damage and ImprovedNations