Some vehicles in ufopedia don't have a breakdown on what equipment slots they have. Light missile, heavy missile, cannon, beam, engine slot, shield slot, electronics slot, etc.
For example, how it should be:
MiG-31 has 2 slots and description says they are 1 cannon, 1 light missile.
Following vehicle descriptions don't say what the slots are used for.
Humvee, 1 slot
Interceptor, 2 slots
Lightning, 3 slots
Firestorms, 4 slots
Avenger, 4 slots
These do say what the slots are used for:
Darkstar (ultimate radar craft)
Some of the craft weapons ufopedia entries have the same issue, not saying what type they are (slot they go into).
Stingray (there is the heavy stingray that says its heavy, and normal stingray that says nothing)
Avalance, doesn't straight up say the type, but does say its "extremely heavy load".
Fusion Ball
Cannon, doesn't say type, though is obvious
Laser cannon, again says its a beam weapon in description, just no straight up type: beam
Plasma beam, again says its a beam weapon in description, just no straight up type: beam