Author Topic: OpenXcom no longer opens on Mac, tried everything I have read online.  (Read 2255 times)

Offline draildatrain

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Please help me, I am actually starting to go mad!
In total I spent more than 30 hours of my life trying to reinstall openxcom after something in the final mod pack crashed the game so it wont restart. (I had just built my first avenger and had the planet covered in radar (with those new radar border lines and cool new stuff to discover) when I chose to add the official final mod pack. What is strange is I had made a copy of my working openxcom to add the mods and protect the original if anything went wrong. When things went wrong (tries to start up and fails) I reverted to the working back up and that too fails. So I have been trying to just reinstall everything starting from scratch yet I cant even seem to successfully copy the original xcom files to openxcom without problems. I believe I have tried to follow every online guide available but this problem will not go away. I have a quite old mac running el captain 10.11.6 and there are fewer guides for mac but I managed it before with what info is available. It seems to me the mod somehow messed it up to the stage I can only play the original which feels impossible when I am so close to getting my openxcom going again. As I once owned the original game I downloaded a few torrent files of xcom to check if the original was corrupt I copied them over to openxcom but it still refuses to fire up. I have tried so many times and so many different ways its mental. Every time I copy the specific folders and sometimes the files from the original game to openxcom and try it, nothing. I copy the universal patch, nothing. Should all the folders be in uppercase?  I  have tried to do the nightly yet when I copy in the original files I cant try to see if it works as its an exe file and I am mac. As a last result I fired up vmware fusion with a copy of windows and tried to install, only to find I have something like 64bt version and it wont run. I would rather concentrate on running on my mac without windows eating up my memory. I have tried making a new user profile incase a temp file somewhere was to blame. I tried clean my mac to clean out any temp files I cant find. I watched Ivan on you tube and he has windows (although it seems to be exactly the same). What can I do. I am not bad with tech yet I am stumped. I will provide any details needed to problem solve this if anyone is willing?  I can follow instructions but I am lost in lines of code ect.  Please someone, tell me how stupid I am and show me what to do. I have a feeling because I ran the game for a month it is a very simple thing I am over looking.
This is what I have been doing over and over again. I make a folder and put a fresh copy of openxcom 1.0 and put a fresh copy of xcom enemy.
I open up the contents on xcom and select the folders needed ( GEODATA, GEOGRAPH, MAPS, ROUTES, SOUND, TERRAIN, UFOGRAPH, UFOINTRO, and UNITS). On one copy of xcom these are all in uppercase and another copy has them in lowercase, I have tried both. I copy said  folders to openxcom data folder and replace all. I try starting up, nothing. I add the universal patch, nothing. I copy EVERYthing to open Xcom nothing. Sometimes when I try different ways it seems to load an extra second before quitting and giving me the error msg. Many thanks in advance, this is the only game I can play in my spare time.

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I get this when I try and open the once working copy:
Last login: Wed Dec 27 21:59:13 on ttys000
Drail:~ Darrell$ /Users/Darrell/Desktop/Gamz/ ; exit;
2017-12-27 22:02:34.062 OpenXcom[69635:7504425] 22:02:34.061 WARNING:  140: This application, or a library it uses, is using the deprecated Carbon Component Manager for hosting Audio Units. Support for this will be removed in a future release. Also, this makes the host incompatible with version 3 audio units. Please transition to the API's in AudioComponent.h.
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type YAML::BadFile: yaml-cpp: error at line 0, column 0: bad file
Abort trap: 6
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]
« Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 11:04:50 am by Solarius Scorch »