Author Topic: Dinamic Base  (Read 2090 times)

Offline WarWeeD

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Dinamic Base
« on: January 25, 2018, 11:18:23 pm »
MY suggestion is to add the chance to dinamice the bases on different triggers.

What it is?
-Dynamic base: It is a "mod" or "modder tool" that allow you to create, remove and overwritte  the facilities of a specific base by scripts.

Why I want this?
I can´t do it by myself.

What kind of things could I do with this tool?
-Visitable places over geoscape.

-Ships lands on an ally base or a shop
-When it lands, we create a base on last base´s slot
-This base will simulate to be the place where the ship landed
-You can use it as normal base, sell/buy, refuell, research, and use any facilities of the place.
-You can´t build or remove facilities.
-When ship leave the place, all items on the dinamic base will be transfer to the ship and the dinamic base dissapear.

So, this is my suggestion. I wanted to contribute doing it by myself but it is beyond my possibilities. I would love to see this mechanic on ufo.

Offline NKF

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Re: Dinamic Base
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2018, 03:52:33 am »
This is just me throwing an idea out, but how about this:

Perhaps one solution would be to add a way to access predefined maps and non-player controlled base screens directly on the Geoscape through the nodes that make up the ships, bases, waypoints, etc. Basically by adding a new node type for modders to be able to create and define new locations that can be added to the globe. Each one could then be linked to a custom base, map, etc.

To interact with the node you would do it through context-sensitive buttons in the pop-up dialogues. These would change depending on what the site has been set up for. If you click on the site on its own you would just get the standard pop-up with the name. But if you were to land a ship with crew at the site, the pop up will have the relevant buttons added to it.

If it's a friendly base for example, you could get a button to access the base screen where you could do things like buy/sell/transfer, refuel and refit the ship, etc. If it is a mission node such as a captured facility, you would have the option to launch a mission.

As with any idea this would be a lot of work to implement. Still it does seem it would be a fun way to add and access a variety of fan crafted content.