I have no idea how to add your assets into that mod,
If you need me to, I can write up the changes for you, but I encourage you to do it yourself because once you learn how, you'll see how easy it is, and that will open up so many more possibilities to you. So I'll explain how to do it, and if you still need help, you can post the mod here and I'll update it for you.
Note that there's a lot of words here. The most barebones process is very simple but I'm going to explain in detail how everything works so that you can understand what you're doing rather than simply copying lines. That way you're far less likely to make mistakes, and far more likely to be able to use this knowledge down the road.
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You can mostly copy and paste the important info directly from my mod into yours. There are three pertinent components:
1.) In the Resources folder and subfolders exists the image files for the laser rifle. they are combined with the laser pistol and heavy laser as one image, but that is fine. You need to put the image(s) into your mod's Resources folder, which sits in the main directory next to the rulesets. The bigobs file is the most important, but you can add the floorobs and handobs files as well if you wish, even though the scope is barely visible in those. If you do not have a Resources folder in your mod, create one. What subfolders you add inside the Resources folder are entirely up to you.
2.) In the extraSprites ruleset file, you will see multiple sections named BIGOBS.PCK, HANDOB.PCK, or FLOOROB.PCK. You've got to figure out which sections relate to the lasers and copy them. The BIGOBS.PCK segment looks like this:
- type: BIGOBS.PCK
width: 96
height: 48
subX: 32
subY: 48
315: Resources/RedBlueLasers/RedBlueLasers_bigobs.gif
Here the width and height values are the x and y dimensions of the image. It is 96 x 48 pixels. The subX and subY values are the dimensions of a single unit--this image has three units and each is 32 pixels wide. The line under files gives the route to the image file, starting from the base directory of your mod. First it goes into Resources/ and then through whichever subfolders you may have the image file in, and finally ends with the name of the image file. The number before the path (315 in this case) determines the numerical value associated with the first segment of the image. The second segment is automatically numbered 316, and the third 317. You can select any number you want here, but it's best to make it high enough to avoid it overlapping the vanilla image numbers.
3.) The items ruleset file in your mod will have a section for the laser sniper rifle. It may be called STR_LASER_SNIPER_RIFLE or STR_LASER_RIFLE or perhaps something else. It'll probably be obvious, but the item's name doesn't have to match the name you see for it in-game, because the language file can be used to change how it's displayed. In the laser sniper rifle's section, you may or may not see the sprite references. They would look something like this:
bigSprite: 0
floorSprite: 8
handSprite: 6
You'll want to change the numbers to match what you have listed in the extraSprites ruleset. If the item doesn't have these lines, you can add them. 0, 8, and 6 are the default values for the laser rifle, but 315 is the number I used. Recall that the image starts with the laser pistol graphic, so if you set the bigSprite line to 315, your laser sniper rifle will look like a laser pistol. Instead, you'd want to number it one unit higher, 316.
So try that and let me know how it goes!