Author Topic: Help needed again (siberian base mission)  (Read 5166 times)

Offline weydi

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Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:22:58 am »
I feel like I really messed up. The siberian base mission popped some times after I finished the research. I saved and sent my gals there just to give it a look and it appeared that the foes were defenitely to strong for me, so I loaded my save back and decided to ignore the mission until I have access to better gear.
The mission disappeared and did not pop back... Could you guys help ?

Offline superschokokeks

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2016, 02:25:05 am »
Wait. I get this mission sometimes, but I finsished it a while ago.

First I thought It was a bug then It came to my mind that if you screwed up you get another chance

Offline weydi

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2016, 02:37:09 am »
Are you sure? I tried to wait 2-3 months after I realized the mission was gone and it did not come back. Or at least it's just that it does not show up that often I guess ?

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2016, 02:50:09 am »
I'm sure. It's rare. It took a couple of month until I saw it again. After that I saw it more often.
I think it depends on RNG

Offline legionof1

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2016, 03:46:52 am »
its preferable to do the Siberia run on the first go if possible. It does come up again eventually as far as i know, but the tech it provides is absolutely needed to progress towards winning so delaying it delays the whole mid-game. The map is actually rather in your favor if played properly. Its a flat plain with a few buildings up top and a base defense underground. Smoke and proper scouting will allow you to put nearly the whole squads fire on the same target. Even the tanks fall to sheer volume on a map like this. But beware of derp tanks walking over the cliffs into the river. That can't get back out but getting safe sighting and lines of fire down there is hard and tanks have very good reactions and they dont need to hit you to kill you.

Offline superschokokeks

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 11:55:13 am »
And take a lot of explosives with you.. rockets, panzerfaust, what you can grab.. or very good melee weapons, but be careful. getting close to some specific enemies is very dangerous and I don't talk about tanks.

Offline weydi

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2016, 04:16:20 pm »
Well I guess all I have to do know is wait for that mission to come back and go for it. Fair enough. Thank you guys !
The first time I had 2 tanks and at least 3 other foes facing my ship, and one of them had an RPG with a baby nuke loaded.. As soon as I was shooting or even moving a gal, they were unleashing hell on me. Now that my gals have muuuch better equipment (I sould have a few of them in Annihilator suits by the time it pops back) it should be easier (assuming I'll have less of them aiming directly at the ship on the first turn).

And take a lot of explosives with you.. rockets, panzerfaust, what you can grab.. or very good melee weapons, but be careful. getting close to some specific enemies is very dangerous and I don't talk about tanks.
Don't worry for that. In X-COM , my moto is "Always take enough explosive to blow up the entire map. Twice", and the blaster launchers that I just researched help.

Offline legionof1

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Re: Help needed again (siberian base mission)
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2016, 10:42:38 pm »
Yeah, not a ton you can do about a baby nuke pointed right at the ramp. Pray you remembered pre primed smoke. FYI inventory management doesn't trigger reaction fire. You can drop the pre primed grenade on the ground and poof smoke with no return fire. Unless the nuker is right up your grill then well just lift off and try again later.