a post in another part of the forum got me thinking about this:
the original game handles alien stuff quite simply: the shown name in battlescape is always "Alien Artifact" as long as it isn't researched, but in the base inventory and sell screens you can see the correct names. kind of oversimplified, right? you can even sell alien guns before you ever know what they do. while this is a good source of money early in the game, it really takes away some realism, doesn't it?
for version 1.1+, perhaps the base inventory could be adjusted to only show "alien artifact" (and prevent selling) as long as it hasn't been researched? of course you'd have no way of knowing what it is then. maybe every item in the list would have a small square before the name, and when mouse-hovering over it, a little "picture-in-picture" would show the item sprite?