Author Topic: Skin Grafts For Everyone!  (Read 7718 times)

Offline nadir-1648

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Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:15:55 pm »
Whelp, that was a disaster.

FMP Ironman
 Snakeman Terror Ship Crash Recovery, Forest Terrain


6 Rookies, 4 Squaddies, 2 Sergeants, 2 Captains

1x Assault Rifle, 3x Rifle Alloy Clip, 1x Grenade, 1x Smoke Grenade, Coveralls
1x Assault Rifle, 2x Rifle Alloy Clip, 2x Grenade, 1x Smoke Grenade, 1x Pistol, 1x Pistol Alloy Clip, Armoured Vest
1x Heavy Cannon, 2x HC-Alloy, 1x Grenade, 1x Smoke Grenade, 1x Incendiary Grenade, 1x SMG, 1x SMG Alloy Clip, Alloy Vest
1x Tactical Sniper Rifle, 3x TSR Alloy Clip, 1x Magnum, 2x Magnum Alloy Drum, Alloy Vest

These 14 soldiers were split into two teams, each consisting of three Rookies, two Squaddies and a Sergeant, with the Captains hanging back at the 'Ranger.

Turn 1, the foremost rook tossed a smoker to the base of the ramp.

Turn 2, the rookies deployed in a circular formation around the ramp, spotting nothing.
Alien Turn: Snakeman seen slithering in the foliage, no shots fired.

Turn 3, two rookies advance on where the snake is presumed to be hiding. One gets killed by reaction fire from a snake hiding in some nearby trees. His partner freezes and spins in place, not finding the shooter. Meanwhile, the other rookies have deployed.
One Squaddie primes his grenade and tosses it to the pinned rookie, who catches and throws it into the brush.
One snake is maimed and exposed.
Alien Turn: The rookie who grenaded the bushes is shot at but not hit. The snake in the trees is shot by a squaddie while mulling about.
Turn 4: Rooks and squaddies fan out from the 'Ranger, one group moving to help the pinned rookie and the other searching for the UFO. my snipers set up in the smoke cloud.
The snakey in the trees gets shot from behind. Killed.
Alien Turn: The grenaded snakeman bleeds to death. The sweep team spots a Chryssalid wandering on top of a hill.
The whole sweep team opens fire on the chryssie, hits it a few times, but fails to drop it. Snipers engage and hit but it remains standing.
The other group loses a rookie to a plasma caster reaction shot. The one remaining rookie throws a grenade to smoke out the shooter.
Alien Turn: The chryssalid paces for a while, then decides it's time to make some babies and strolls over to the sweep team, mercifully running out of TUs just as he's breathing in a rook's face.
The snake with the plasma caster survives the pineapple surprise and retorts with his own. One whole team is now gone.
Team 6: The remaining team runs like hell because Chryssalid, but you're not outrunning that guy without help.
The AI doesn't like fire. The last Sarge had been hanging back, saw the problem here, and came up with a solution only crazies would see: Disco inferno. He primed and tossed his incendiary at his buddies.
Alien Turn: The whole squad (save the snipers) smells like Jimmy Dean now, but Chryssies likes their meat raw and wrigglin', so he walks along the perimeter of the fire for his whole turn.
Turn 7: The BBQ'd troops move out of the fire to shoot the Chryssalid some more, and thankfully it dies.

Obviously, we're in no shape to keep fighting here. The next few turns are an uneventful bug-out. Nobody else died, but their stuff is probably in a Snakeman pawn shop now.

And the pyromaniacal sergeant got promoted.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2015, 11:34:21 am »
Modder is of happy reading such thing...


Offline nadir-1648

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2015, 12:02:14 pm »
Things like this remind me why this is my favourite game. Rookie BBQ <3

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2015, 01:51:31 pm »
Leadership law
If it was risky, it worked and no one got hurt: you were brilliant
If it was risky, it worked and someone got hurt; you were courageous
If it was risky, it didn't work and no one got hurt; you were lucky
If it was risky, it didn't work and someone got hurt; you were stupid (and probably dead)
LOL, this list even has one that looks like it's taken from Terror From the Deep: "Always make sure someone has a can opener."

Offline nadir-1648

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2015, 02:00:07 pm »
Well, Murphy was a grunt.  ;)
Question is, who's the courageous one here, the guy who torched half his crew or the guys who willingly stood in fire?

Offline hellrazor

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2015, 04:33:00 pm »
21th January 1999,

We heard the alarm. We geared up as fast as we could and sat in the Skyranger. The commander told us we were heading in a port attacked by aliens. After a couple of hours, the Skyranger landed in the port. The door dropped on the floor and the tank got out. We heard multiple shots fired, 1 missile launched and then an explosion no more tank. Michal tried his luck outside. He fired a rocket at a big snake. Then the commander call of the mission as many strange alien were closing in very fast.

On our way back, the commander told us that all the civilian were killed. No one to save. Michal is the only one who saw those snakeman and then he mentioned  something about a thing with pincer...


Hey guys !

I just called back my troops from a terror site. Snakeman and Chrysalid everywhere. There was 23 civilian on the map. After 2 turns, 20 were dead... most of them turned into Zombie. Got a terrible score -650 or more. And yes it was the 1st terror mission.

Hardmore ? Hell yes lol

I leave this here just for the fansis :D

Offline nadir-1648

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2015, 04:54:17 pm »
That right there is the sort of Chryssalid Apocalypse we like to see :3

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2015, 05:56:26 pm »
That right there is the sort of Chryssalid Apocalypse we like to see :3

When I have the time, I want to make an underground complex (a mine) infested with Chryssalids. Perhaps with some sort of a Big Bug Queen, because screw canon. :)

Offline nadir-1648

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2015, 06:03:12 pm »
If you want to be really mean, it could have a chance appear in lieu of a terror site, sorta like an artefact site. 1st level would be the initial entry and the 2nd would be inside the nest, and if you take cheapskate's way out and just abort after landing you get docked the same amount as if you had ignored it.

That would suck sooooooooo much :3

Get this in January and you're screwed so hard :-[

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2015, 06:54:14 pm »
If you want to be really mean, it could have a chance appear in lieu of a terror site, sorta like an artefact site. 1st level would be the initial entry and the 2nd would be inside the nest, and if you take cheapskate's way out and just abort after landing you get docked the same amount as if you had ignored it.

That would suck sooooooooo much :3

I think it's doable. :) Or will be, when TFTD stuff is done - I'm not sure about the state of missions ATM.

Get this in January and you're screwed so hard :-[

Yeah, it'll be painful, but nothing that'd end your game... Unless you get it three times in a row or something. :)

Offline nadir-1648

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2015, 07:19:03 pm »
I'd like to see a UFO with a crew consisting solely of 30 chryssalids, and it specialises in retaliation missions. Maybe a late-game strain of chryssie with the health of a muton  ;D

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2015, 07:33:52 pm »
I'd like to see a UFO with a crew consisting solely of 30 chryssalids, and it specialises in retaliation missions. Maybe a late-game strain of chryssie with the health of a muton  ;D

I'm not sure, Chryssalids can't fly. Including UFOs. :P So a pilot would be necessary...

Offline nadir-1648

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Re: Skin Grafts For Everyone!
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2015, 07:36:56 pm »
It can be some big badass Ethereal for MOAR PAIN or it could be something squishy like a sectoid or two, depending on your UNHOLY EVILNESS  :)