
Author Topic: Non-weapon item in the left hand for HWPs?  (Read 2863 times)

Offline Arthanor

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Non-weapon item in the left hand for HWPs?
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:49:07 am »
I am trying to make use of the awesome new feature allowing two weapons for HWPs. I have been able to make use of two weapons without problems.

Another thing that I am trying to do, however, is give other items to HWPs. For example, a tank with an integrated motion scanner. Or in this case, a dog (to represent its ability to sniff out aliens). Unfortunately, the motion detector ends up in the dog's backpack instead of in its "hand", so it's unuseable.

I have tried defining items as fixedWeapons, or not, and defining the dog as a livingWeapon, or not, but nothing does it.

Making the motion scanner equivalents fixedWeapons just ends up with them being unmovable (so stuck in the backpack).

Making dogs livingWeapons does absolutely nothing. It doesn't prevent them from using grenades/medikits/guns and doesn't help with the placement of the items either :/

Is there any way to do this or, as I suspect, is this new feature limited to weapons? As far as modding is concerned, it would be best if the 2nd item always goes in the left hand, no matter what it is.

Offline jackstraw2323

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Re: Non-weapon item in the left hand for HWPs?
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2014, 06:00:20 am »
I've been unable to get the second weapon to work at all myself. Or I've loaded someone elses mod but I have no idea how to fire the secondary weapon. Can you explain it to me? Does it place the weapons in the inventory and you can swap on the fly?

Like you I was hoping to maybe have a flare gun or smoke launcher added to the HWP.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Non-weapon item in the left hand for HWPs?
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2014, 06:52:45 pm »
You need to be running the nightly version of OpenXCom, not version 1.0, in order to use HWPs with two weapons. Other than that, and the right mod, I don't think there is anything else to do..

A smoke launcher is definitely doable as a secondary HWP weapon (in fact, I am making one now, to be released soon). The flare launcher though, I don't think is possible.